Is it possible for a child to walk with a temperature (high) in the summer: doctor’s advice
Walking in the fresh air is very beneficial for a growing child’s body. Indeed, while on the street, the body receives the necessary vitamin D. But babies often get sick. And many parents are interested in the question of whether a child can walk with a temperature. The answer to it depends not only on the weather conditions, but also on the condition of the baby himself.
It is not only possible for a sick child to walk, but also useful. But only if its temperature is low, and does not exceed 37,5 °. With this indicator, a baby can go out into the street even with a cough and a runny nose. Thanks to walks, the child’s body is nourished with fresh air, in addition, ventilation of the lungs will improve, which, in turn, will speed up recovery.
You can walk a child with a temperature if the weather conditions allow it.
But in order for the walk to bring maximum benefit, the baby must be properly dressed. It is not necessary to insulate him strongly, because in this case he will sweat quickly and the slightest breeze will cause hypothermia. And this can lead to an increase in temperature, and a deterioration in general condition. Therefore, dress the sick child the same way as always.
Do not panic if your baby’s cough gets worse on the street and becomes wet. This is a very positive sign, indicating that the natural process of cleansing mucus has begun in the lungs and bronchi.
Remember to touch the collar of your undergarments while outdoors. If it gets damp, go home and put on a lighter outfit.
When you can’t walk a baby with a temperature
Despite the benefits of outdoor walks, sometimes they should be abandoned. It is forbidden to walk the baby in the following cases:
- Heat. If the child has a fever, and the thermometer shows more than 37,5 °, then it is worth giving up walking.
- Summer heat. If the air temperature outside exceeds 35–40 ° C, then walking in the fresh air will only do harm. In this case, the baby’s fever may increase.
- Winter frost. There is no need to take a sick baby out into the street at low subzero temperatures. And you should also refrain from walking during heavy snowfall or rain.
- Allergy. If your child suffers from allergy to pollen, and during a walk, an encounter with an allergen is inevitable, then it is better not to take the baby outside until he is strong enough.
Walking a child with a low temperature in the fresh air is very useful. The main thing is that there are optimal weather conditions, and then your baby will quickly recover.