Is it possible for a child to sit on a cold one: the opinion of doctors

Some experts believe that this will not harm health, while others are sure that hypothermia can cause serious problems.

“Do not sit on a cold one – you will chill the kidneys / ovaries / appendages (emphasize the necessary” – this is how mothers and grandmothers frightened us for many generations. And here – a revolution. Pediatrician and popular blogger Anna Levadnaya said on her page that you can sit on a cold one! And there is nothing wrong with that. 

Anna Levadnaya, pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, mother of two children, active blogger and author of the book “Doctor_annamama, I have a question: How to keep the child healthy.”

According to the doctor, evolution has hidden the internal genital organs deeply and securely so that it is not so easy to cool them. The same opinion is shared by Anna Levadnaya’s colleague, a pediatric gynecologist. Irina Osminina.  

“The girl’s reproductive and urinary organs are located in the abdominal cavity and are surrounded by many layers of tissue for protection, which maintains their temperature at an optimal and stable level,” the doctors explain. 

Experts say there is no evidence to support a direct link between cold and exacerbation of inflammatory diseases. Therefore, bathing in cold water, wearing cropped T-shirts and sitting in cold water in and of itself cannot bring harm to health. In fact, infections provoke inflammation. 

“Cooling the skin of the buttocks does not cool the kidneys or genitals. The predisposing factors for urinary tract infection are completely different – vulvitis, balanitis, constipation, poor hygiene after defecation, stagnant urine (kidney stones, synechiae, phimosis, psychological reasons leading to delayed emptying of the bladder), helminthic invasions, irritation of the mucous membranes in the pool and etc. “, – writes Anna Levadnaya.

Causes of inflammation of the internal genital organs

– Inflammation of the appendages – fallopian tubes and ovaries: salpingitis, oophoritis, salpingo-oophoritis. 

The most common cause of inflammation is infection: bacteria that live on the skin, mucous membranes and in the intestines of a person, or specific (sexually transmitted). More rarely, inflammation is triggered by autoimmune causes.

– Inflammation of the uterus – endometritis / myometritis and cervicitis. 

The main causes of inflammation are infection and trauma in the uterus (abortion, intrauterine manipulations (curettage, hysteroscopy), childbirth, intrauterine contraception).

Overheating is more harmful to the baby than cooling (sometimes even increasing the risk of vulvovaginitis). Therefore, wearing insulated underwear is unjustified, you need to dress for the weather.

“If it seems to you that the inflammation of the appendages was due to wet feet or hypothermia, then most likely this is a coincidence,” adds Anna Levadnaya.

Rђ RІRѕS, Dr. Komarovsky I do not quite agree with the opinion of my colleagues, despite the fact that the doctor allows children to walk in the cold. 

“You can walk on a cold one, but you can’t sit on a cold one. The foot is anatomically designed so as not to lose heat upon contact with a cold one. And the skin of the buttocks is thin, blood circulation is active there. When in contact with a cold person, he experiences discomfort; hypothermia can cause serious problems, ”the pediatrician believes.

However, the doctor urges everyone to be guided primarily by common sense. Yes, you cannot sit on a cold one for a long time or with a bare bottom, or when it is really uncomfortable, or when the source of the cold is large and very cold, for example, a huge stone. 

“And if a child sat down on the floor for a minute, there’s nothing to worry about. Especially considering the fact that children almost never sit on the floor with naked priests. Usually, children are still in a diaper, which is an excellent heat insulator, ”explains Dr. Komarovsky. 

And then he made a reservation: if the grandmother is very worried about the child freezing her bottom, it is still better not to allow the baby to sit on the floor in the presence of the grandmother in order to save her nerves. 

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