Is it possible and when to plant parsley in the fall before winter

Sowing parsley in open ground before winter is planned for the end of October or the beginning of November. It is better to be in time before the first frosts or to sow immediately after the night temperature drops to 0 degrees. When planting before winter, it is important to deepen the seeds by 2–3 cm, and lay a sufficiently large layer of mulch on top.

Is it possible to sow parsley before winter

Planting parsley can be planned both for spring (April) and before winter (October or November). The autumn sowing option allows the seeds to undergo natural stratification, so that they will sprout faster in the spring. The first harvest of young greens can be obtained at the end of May.

Planting parsley before winter is not very difficult; in terms of preparation, it is even simpler than spring. It is important to decide on the timing so as not to plant the seeds too early. The soil should be cool, but not frozen.

Benefits of planting parsley in the fall

Planting parsley seeds outdoors in the fall has several benefits. The fact is that the seeds of this plant contain a large amount of essential oils that slow down ripening. But when the grains undergo natural stratification in the soil, they are gradually destroyed, and in the spring sprouts appear faster.

The main advantages of planting before winter are:

  1. Leaves can be harvested almost a month earlier than when sown in spring.
  2. If the material is of high quality, it is not necessary to prepare it.
  3. Diseased seeds will die in winter.
  4. There is no need to waste time on artificial stratification in the refrigerator.
  5. In spring, the soil will be moistened in a natural way – with snow, which will facilitate work.

There are no particular drawbacks to planting before winter. Although winter varieties may appear flower arrows. Moreover, in the case of autumn sowing, the time should be carefully chosen – not too early, but not too late, when the grains can freeze in cold soil.

Is it possible and when to plant parsley in the fall before winter

Thanks to the autumn planting, the greens will rise faster

What parsley is better to plant before winter

To properly sow parsley before winter, you first need to decide on the variety. The choice depends on the purpose for which the crop will be grown. Most often, parsley is needed to get juicy, fragrant greens. For this, the following varieties are suitable: Breeze, Curly Leaf, Bogatyr, Esmeralda, Common Leaf, Carnival.

If parsley is planted to obtain roots, varieties are chosen: Sugar, Alba, Harvest, Berlin, Spicy, Good morning.

When to sow parsley in the fall before winter in open ground

Sowing dates primarily depend on the climatic features of the region. For example, in the Moscow region it is allowed to plant parsley even in November, while in the Urals and Siberia it is advisable to do this 2–3 weeks earlier.

As a general rule, planting is planned for the days when the first frosts come (the temperature on the soil is about 0 ° C). Usually this phenomenon is observed from the end of October to the first decade of November. It can be planted in the first days of a decrease in temperature or a few days before.

When to sow parsley before winter, depending on the region

Summer residents living in different regions can focus on the following terms:

  1. It is better to sow parsley before winter in the Moscow region and other regions of the middle lane in the first decade of November, less often at the end of October.
  2. In the North-West, the dates are about the same, but can be shifted a few days earlier.
  3. In the southern regions, planting parsley before winter is planned for the end of November – the beginning of December.
  4. In the Urals, parsley can be planted at the very beginning of November, although frosts can also occur at the end of October.
  5. In Siberia and the Far East – the second half of October, but maybe the beginning of November, if the Indian summer is late.

Sometimes it happens that frosts come unexpectedly, and the soil cools quite strongly in just a few days. If this happened recently, it is quite possible to be in time with sowing. It is necessary to clear the site and take the soil from the greenhouse. And after sowing, lay a large layer of dry mulch on top.

Attention! It is important not to rush into planting parsley before winter. If you do this during a warm autumn, the grains may germinate. Therefore, the soil should cool to 5-8 degrees. You can check this by digging the thermometer to a shallow depth and holding it for 10 minutes.
Is it possible and when to plant parsley in the fall before winter

Planting parsley before winter is planned for the end of October – the beginning of November

When to plant parsley in the fall according to the lunar calendar

When choosing dates, it is also necessary to take into account the dates according to the lunar calendar. Planting parsley in October can be carried out during the phase of the waning moon. At this time, parts of plants that are underground are actively formed. In 2021, these are the days from 1 to 4 and from 24 to 31 October.

Favorable days for sowing parsley in November are chosen according to the same principle. In 2021, in November, work must be carried out from the 24th to the 29th. It is impossible to work with the culture on the new moon and on the full moon, because this can lead to the death of the seed.

The growth of greenery is influenced by the sign of the zodiac in which the Moon is located at the time of sowing. Choose the days when the satellite is in Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

How to plant parsley in the fall before winter

Parsley is an unpretentious plant that does not require special growing conditions. However, planting is an important step on which germination depends. Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of seeds, the depth of their placement and the interval between adjacent grooves in the garden. You should also take into account the composition of the soil. For this, fertilizers are applied in advance.

Seed preparation

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the seed. It is better to purchase seeds only from trusted suppliers. It is desirable that they be class I (germination rate 70%). If class II, the percentage already drops to 40%. It is necessary to take into account the expiration date – the fresher, the better (optimally up to 1,5 years after collection).

If the grains are of sufficient quality, it is not necessary to process them before planting. Although if there is time, they can be prepared in several stages:

  1. Place in gauze and hold in a solution of light pink potassium permanganate for 30 minutes.
  2. Take out and dry thoroughly.
  3. Then hold in hot enough water (up to 50 degrees) for another half hour.
  4. Dip in cold water for the same time.
  5. Dry thoroughly and proceed to planting.
Important! Since planting is carried out in the fall, it is not necessary to process the material in a growth stimulator solution (for example, in Kornevin).

If sowing is planned for spring, then a special preparation is added during soaking according to the instructions.

Site Selection

Parsley is undemanding to the place of growth. Therefore, you can choose any site, preferably with fertile and light sandy loamy soil. The main landing site requirements are:

  • sunny (but partial shade from shrubs, fruit trees is allowed);
  • dry (not lowland);
  • closed from drafts.
Advice! When planting the beds, it is better to orient from north to south. Then the greens will receive maximum light and will grow faster.
Is it possible and when to plant parsley in the fall before winter

Parsley grows well in sunny areas with adequately moist soil.

Soil preparation

The culture prefers light, fertile soil with a slightly acidic reaction (pH from 6 to 7). If you plan to sow before winter, then in the summer you need to prepare the site. The earth is dug up to a shallow depth and compost or humus is added in a bucket for every 2 m2. If the soil is clayey, it is necessary to close up sawdust or sand 1 kg each for the same area.

Instead of organics, you can apply a complex mineral fertilizer in the amount of 30-40 g per 1 m2. The site must first be cleaned, and before planting, level and mark furrows.

How deep should parsley be planted in autumn before winter?

Sowing depth is of great importance, since germination depends on it. Experienced summer residents recommend planting seeds to a depth of no more than 2–2,5 cm. But since planting is done before winter, this figure can be increased to 3 cm.

If the soil is quite dense, clayey, the grains are buried by 1,5–2 cm. If you sow parsley before winter to a greater depth (more than 3–3,5 cm), this will lead to the fact that a significant part or even all of the seeds will not sprout. Therefore, when planting, they are guided by the quality of the soil.

The scheme of sowing parsley seeds in open ground in autumn

It is necessary to plant parsley before winter (in October or November) in a checkerboard pattern with an interval between furrows of 10–12 cm. Isosceles triangles should be obtained. Although you can make a tighter planting, since about 20-30% of the seeds will not sprout, which is considered the norm.

The algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. Level the surface of the bed.
  2. Make furrows up to 3 cm deep at 10 cm intervals.
  3. Plant the seeds in a checkerboard pattern.
  4. Sprinkle with soil, without tamping.
  5. Without watering, lay a dry layer of mulch – peat, sawdust, hay, compost.
Is it possible and when to plant parsley in the fall before winter

Normal and compacted schemes for planting parsley before winter will help to properly use the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe site

Important! After sowing, the soil must be carefully mulched. Compost is best for this, but only dry, not wet.

Also before winter, you can use sawdust, straw, dry foliage. Spruce branches and agrofibre are laid on top. In early spring, the mulch is gradually removed from the site.

Caring for parsley outdoors

Parsley, like many other types of garden greens, is an undemanding plant. Therefore, planting and caring for it is quite simple. The basic rules for growing are as follows:

  1. The plant needs to be watered regularly – then it will give more greenery. This is especially important if you plan to grow leafy varieties. If it rains frequently in the region, additional moisture is not needed. In the absence of precipitation, water is given twice a month, and in a drought – every week (it is better to defend it beforehand).
  2. Top dressing for the plant is applied three times per season. In the spring in April, saltpeter is given at 50 g per 1 m2, in July and August – superphosphate (70 g) and potassium salt (50 g). Also for the winter you can fertilize with wood ash 100 g per the same area.
  3. Periodically, the bed is weeded, the aisles are loosened.

In general, caring for parsley when planting before winter or spring is simple. Although sometimes the plant can suffer from various diseases.



Necessary measures

Mučnistaâ rosa

Whitish coating, dark dots

Drug treatment

(Energen, Bayleton, Skor, HOM, Bordeaux liquid, Fitosporin and others)

Black rot

Blackening of the root neck, yellowing of the aerial part

White spot

Brown spots on lower leaves


Brown spots on the back of the foliage


Yellowing, wilting

Weeding, weed removal, mole cricket control

Also, parsley, after planting before winter or spring sowing, can suffer from various pests:

  • melon aphid;
  • stem nematode;
  • carrot blotch or fly.

If insects are found, it is recommended to carry out treatment with folk remedies – an infusion of chili pepper, mustard powder, onion peel, garlic, a decoction of marigold flowers or others. In extreme cases, insecticides are used: Biolin, Vertimek, Aktara, Fufanon, Fitoverm and others.

Attention! When using chemicals, it is important to wait at least five days before harvesting the greens.

It is better to carry out preventive treatments, and in the summer to use folk remedies, then the harvest will be environmentally friendly.

Harvesting and storage of crops

You can collect parsley after planting before winter in late May – early June. Seedlings develop quickly and produce many leaves. You can start collecting at the moment when 3-4 bunches or more appear on the stems. Usually 60-70 days from the moment of emergence of seedlings is enough for this. If the leaves begin to discolor, they must be urgently removed – this is the last harvest date. In this case, the tops are cut almost to the ground.

Is it possible and when to plant parsley in the fall before winter

You can start harvesting the first crop at the end of May.

The greens are washed and dried thoroughly. There are several ways to keep parsley fresh:

  1. Put in a glass of cold water – it will stay fresh for up to five days.
  2. In a jar or container in the refrigerator – up to three weeks.

For long-term storage, the herb is dried or frozen. It must be washed, finely chopped and dried. Then put in a tight bag or in cling film and put in the freezer for the whole winter. Another option is to dry indoors (hang from a rope under the ceiling) or under a canopy (but without direct sunlight) and store in a dark, dry place. Freezing and drying can keep greens up to 12 months.

The roots are dug already in the middle or at the end of September. They need to be shaken off the ground, washed and dried thoroughly. The roots are placed in wooden boxes, evenly sprinkled with clean sand. Store on the balcony, in the basement, cellar or other cool room with low humidity (up to 50%). Shelf life under such conditions is up to 6-8 months.


Sowing parsley in open ground before winter, compared with spring planting, allows you to achieve an acceleration in the growth rate of greenery. The seeds will undergo natural stratification, and the summer resident will not have to spend extra effort to prepare them.

Sowing parsley in winter (in November) – another experiment

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