It is quite possible to grow an apple tree from a seed. To do this, select suitable varieties, stratify the grains and then germinate them in humid conditions. Sowing can be scheduled for both spring and autumn. At the same time, at home, it will be necessary to grow a seedling within 1-2 years. After that, it is transplanted into open ground and cared for like an ordinary seedling.
Is it possible to grow an apple tree from apple seeds
Growing a full-fledged tree from a seed is real. The technology is exactly the same as when receiving seedlings. Grains are planted in common containers and grown in warm, humid conditions. Then they are transplanted into pots and cared for for 1-2 years, after which they are transferred to open ground.
But the procedure for growing from seeds has several features:
- The growth rate is small, so it will not be possible to quickly grow a seedling – it is easier to buy ready-made planting material, for example, in a nursery.
- The resulting plants may not inherit some of the characteristics of the parent crops, including in terms of yield and taste of the fruit.
- Seedlings are best grown within two years at home. To do this, you will have to constantly maintain the optimum temperature and moisture level of the soil and air.
How fast does an apple tree grow from a seed?
Normally, the seeds hatch within a few days. It usually takes 7-10 days after planting. Sometimes it is more difficult to grow them – individual seeds sprout after several weeks and even months. To accelerate use “Epin” or other growth stimulants.
As for further development, the seedling will begin to bloom only 5-7 years after planting. However, its fruiting is noticeably longer than that of a seedling, and can go up to 40-50 years.
Will the apple tree bear fruit
An apple tree that has been grown from a seed may well bear fruit. It will produce a crop, and the first apples may appear 7-10 years after sowing. The only exception is hybrid varieties. They are not prolific, so it is recommended to choose only varieties for sowing.

A varietal apple tree grown from a seed will bear fruit
Do I need to graft an apple tree grown from seed
If you managed to grow an apple tree from a seed, grafting it is optional, but desirable. The plant will produce a crop without grafting. But it is not known until the end what the apples will be.
If you use seedlings as a rootstock, almost any real variety can be grafted onto it. Do this on a plant two years old or more. Grafting begins in May, when the threat of frost is at its lowest.
Growing apple seedlings from seeds at home
It is realistic to grow an apple tree from a seed, but for this you need to provide suitable conditions (as for seedlings). It is equally important to determine the timing of sowing. The main rules are described below.
When to plant apple seeds at home
There are two acceptable sowing dates – you can plant an apple seed at home in spring or autumn. Moreover, there are no fundamental differences between these options, since both terms are suitable for all regions.
Autumn sowing in the ground is planned a few days before the first frost or immediately after it. This will allow the apple seeds to go through the stratification procedure. In the spring, sowing is planned for the end of March, so that the seedlings receive maximum sunlight.
If the deadline is missed, it is allowed to plant apple seeds in the summer – there are no strict dates when growing at home. Moreover, seedlings are kept at home in a pot for at least a year, sometimes two. After that, they are transferred to open ground. It is advisable to plant in the fall a few weeks before the first frost.
Seed preparation
In order to grow an apple tree from seeds at home, it is important to choose the right seeds. In appearance, they must meet several criteria:
- dense;
- without damage;
- with a uniform, rich brown color.
The seeds are pulled out of the apple trees by hand, cutting the flesh with a knife not vertically, but horizontally, moving the blade slightly from the center. For selection, obviously more seeds are taken, for example, 10 pieces. Thanks to this, the seedlings will definitely be able to grow – those that do not sprout will simply decompose in the soil.

Seeds can be harvested by hand
After harvesting, the seed must be washed. On the seeds there is a layer of substances that prevent growth, which should be removed in warm water (35-37 degrees). The liquid is poured into a glass. Place the seeds there and mix thoroughly with a stick for 5 minutes, creating a funnel. Then the water must be drained and the same procedure repeated three more times.
An apple tree can be grown healthy if the seeds are soaked in warm water (35 degrees). They are kept for 3-4 days. And every day the water is changed to a new one. The room must be warm enough (+25 °C). During germination, the seeds of the apple tree will give the first sprouts, and those that have not awakened already at this stage can be discarded.
It can be “Epin”, “Zircon” or other means. Thanks to the accelerator, it will be possible to grow seedlings faster.
Stratification of apple seeds at home
Stratification is an optional procedure, since growing an apple tree from a seed at home can be done without it. But if possible, it is better to go through stratification, since this is an imitation of the natural conditions of wintering, during which the planting material is hardened. If sowing is planned for spring, stratification is highly desirable.
The procedure is as follows:
- Mix sphagnum moss with sand, peat and sawdust in equal mass quantities.
- Grind two activated charcoal tablets and add the powder to the mixture.
- To grow an apple tree, seeds are taken and mixed with the resulting mixture (it should be three times larger in volume).
- Placed in an oblong container.
- Pour warm water to the top (30 degrees).
- Leave on the table and stand for several days at room temperature.
- Then put in a refrigerator, pantry or other room with a temperature of 2-6 degrees Celsius (no more).
Soil preparation
The next step in propagating apple trees with seeds is soil preparation. To grow seedlings, you can purchase universal soil for seedlings. In this case, you can make a mixture yourself. To do this, take garden soil, humus (or compost) with peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1.
The soil should be fertile and loose, with a pH in the range of 5,5-7,5. It is pre-disinfected by watering with a solution of potassium permanganate. You can also hold in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees or in the freezer (put for several days).

The soil for growing seeds should be fertile and loose.
Sowing scheme
Planting an apple tree with a seed is carried out according to a certain scheme. For growing, take a large box (it should be wide) or a container with a sufficient number of holes for drainage. A layer of small stones, expanded clay, pebbles 2-3 cm high is laid at the bottom. Then fertile soil is laid and watered thoroughly.
To successfully grow an apple tree, the seeds should be planted like this:
- With a wooden stick, make furrows 1-2 cm deep with an interval of 20 cm.
- Plant prepared seeds at a distance of 3 cm from each other.
- Sprinkle with soil, without tamping.
- Moisten with a spray bottle.
The timing of seedling emergence depends on temperature, lighting and humidity. The boxes should be placed in a warm and bright place and covered with a film with holes or transparent glass. Periodically, the shelter is removed for ventilation. At the same time, the temperature is constantly maintained at 25 degrees.
Landing is also possible according to another scheme. After stratification, the grains are placed in water. A week later, some of them will give roots. These seeds are transferred to peat pots. Then they are transplanted into larger containers.
Apple seedling care
It is not so difficult to germinate an apple seed at home. To do this, you must follow the basic rules of care, maintain temperature and humidity. Even if the soil is fertile, do not forget about fertilizing.
As soon as the seedlings give four true leaves, the plantings should be thinned out. To grow fertile plants, you first need to get rid of wild animals. You can identify them by the following signs:
- the leaves are smaller, have serrate edges, the color is brighter;
- the internodes are longer and the trunk is not very thick;
- thorns are thin, straight, located on all shoots.
Watering and top dressing
Water the seedlings regularly so that the surface layer of the soil remains constantly moist. Moreover, too much water also does not need to be poured – otherwise it will not be possible to grow healthy seedlings.
You will also need to feed several times:
- In May, give a weak infusion of chicken manure (1:20).
- In August, potassium sulfate is added (30 g per 10 l).
- In early October, they are watered with superphosphate (40 g per 10 l).
Seedling transplant
A seedling at the age of one year or a two-year-old is transplanted into open ground in the fall, a few weeks before the first frost. Specific dates vary by region:
- middle lane – from October 1 to October 20;
- southern regions – the end of October – the beginning of November;
- Ural, Siberia – the last ten days of September – the first days of October.

Planting of apple trees is planned for mid-autumn
There is also an additional transplant period – the second half of April. Spring terms are chosen for regions with cold winters. Thanks to this, for example, in Siberia it becomes easier to grow an apple tree from a seed.
It is not difficult to grow an apple tree from a seed, but it takes quite a long time. The plant will certainly not retain the characteristics of the parent trees. You can solve this problem – for this, the seedling uses it as a stock. It grows a scion of a different variety with acceptable yields and the desired taste.