Is it possible and how to germinate peas for food and before planting

It is not difficult to germinate peas if you prepare it correctly and follow the instructions. Such a product is useful for men, women and children, vegetarians and raw foodists. Not all seeds can germinate, you need to do it correctly. There are contraindications and restrictions to the use of the product in food.

What does a pea sprout look like

The photo of sprouted peas shows that the integrity of the shell is violated in the process. White sprouts appear, the embryos of which are located between the cotyledons protecting it. They can be straight or sinuous, thicker at the base, tapering towards the tip.

Is it possible and how to germinate peas for food and before planting

In a day, the length of the sprouts can reach 1,5 cm, the process does not stop there

Is it possible to eat sprouted peas

Peas are germinated not only for planting, but also for food. They are tasty and healthy for men, women, children. On sale you can find a product with a special mark “for sprouting”. After proper preparation, it is consumed raw, added to various dishes.

Useful properties of sprouted peas

Legumes contain many valuable elements. The benefits of sprouted peas are as follows:

  • lowering the level of bad cholesterol;
  • prevention of disorders of the digestive system;
  • normalization of blood sugar;
  • reducing the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • removal of toxins from the body;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • prevention of anemia;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • elimination of puffiness;
  • pressure normalization;
  • getting rid of heartburn;
  • reduced risk of thyroid disease;
  • constipation prevention.

Sprouted peas are useful for men. The product is rich in amino acids, which are important for the normal functioning of the prostate gland. Its regular use reduces the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system. This is especially important for men over 40.

Pea sprouts are also useful for children. The product contains many valuable elements that are important for the growth and development of the body. The inclusion of such food in the diet of adolescents helps to get rid of age-specific acne.

Is it possible and how to germinate peas for food and before planting

Pea sprouts are good for vegetarians and vegans who don’t get enough protein due to avoiding animal foods.

Harm and contraindications

Before using pea sprouts, the benefits and harms of such a product should be studied. Healthy people can safely include it in the diet, but in moderation. It is not recommended to consume dairy products at the same time, as this is fraught with increased gas formation.

No more than 70 g of pea sprouts should be consumed per day. Increase the volume of the product gradually, starting with 1 tsp. in a day. After a week, in the absence of negative consequences, the portion can be increased to 1 tbsp. l., after a month to 30 g.

Regular and sprouted peas can not be consumed by everyone. The list of contraindications is small:

  • gout;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • nephritis in an acute form;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory pathologies of the digestive system;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • increased blood coagulation.
Comment! Sprouted peas should be used with caution for people prone to flatulence. It is better not to combine it with other products that increase gas formation.

What kind of peas can be germinated at home

To germinate pea seeds at home, it is important to choose the right raw materials. Not every product will fit.

Is it possible to sprout peas from the store

It is possible to germinate store peas, but the result depends on several factors. The expiration date is especially important, because over time the seeds lose their germination. You should pay attention to the product in packages marked “for sprouting”. This can be found in large supermarkets, health food stores.

Is it possible to germinate split peas

The probability of germinating halves of peas is negligible. The problem is that the germs of the sprouts are protected by the cotyledons. When the bean is divided into two halves, they are damaged, therefore they cannot germinate. The exception is cases when the pea is not split in the middle, but the germ of the sprout miraculously survived in one of the parts.

Is it possible to germinate polished peas

Polished peas are suitable for sprouting, but the result can not always be obtained. It all depends on the shelf life of the product, the features of its processing.

When grinding the grain, the seed coat, partially the aleurone layer and the germ are removed. In this case, the ability to germinate is lost. If the embryo is not damaged, such beans can be germinated.

In addition to grinding, raw materials can undergo hydrothermal treatment. The grain is moistened, steamed for several minutes and dried. This makes it stronger and the shell more fragile. Steaming involves high temperatures, which kill the ability to germinate.

Is it possible and how to germinate peas for food and before planting

It is better not to take a polished product for germination for food – in the process of processing it loses many valuable elements

Is it possible to germinate frozen peas

It is possible to germinate a pea seed after freezing, but the result is not guaranteed. One of the important factors is the time when the crop was harvested. If this happened before full ripening, then it is unlikely that the grain will germinate. The method of freezing also matters. If it was shock, then the chances of germination are higher.

How long does it take for peas to germinate

Pea germination time depends on several factors. Usually the process takes at least 12-14 hours, it can take 1-2 days. The duration of germination depends on the freshness of the peas, the processing.

How to quickly germinate pea seeds for food

It is not difficult to germinate pea seeds at home for food. To do this, you must follow certain rules.

Selection and preparation of seeds

For germination, you can use yellow or green peas. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date. If you use self-harvested grain, it is important to follow the rules for its storage.

Before sprouting for food, peas must be sorted out, removing all damaged and spoiled specimens. After that, rinse the raw materials in running water and soak. Throw away all popped peas.

Comment! For sprouting for food, it is better to use self-grown or bought in a trusted store peas. There is a risk that fertilizers and chemicals were abused during cultivation.

Step by step guide

To get pea sprouts at home for food, you need to provide the beans with a moist environment. Water should be used purified – bottled, filtered or from proven natural sources.

The germination algorithm is as follows:

  1. Pour the washed peas into a deep bowl, cover with gauze, pour water (room temperature). Raw materials should be several times less in volume than liquids.
  2. Place the container for 12 hours in a warm and dark place. It is more convenient to soak the beans overnight.
  3. Wash the peas.
  4. Soak the raw materials again, covering the bowl with gauze.
  5. Keep peas in water for a day, changing it every four hours.

This method allows you to get sprouts after 1,5 days. You can store them for up to five days. Keep sprouted peas in an airtight container, rinse daily with clean water.

Is it possible and how to germinate peas for food and before planting

For soaking, use a ceramic, glass or plastic container; metal utensils should be discarded.

After the first soaking overnight, you can act according to a different algorithm:

  1. Wash the peas in running water.
  2. Cover the plate with damp gauze.
  3. Arrange the beans on top.
  4. Close with gauze, moisten it with drinking water.
  5. Move the plate to a shady place.
  6. Moisten the gauze as needed.

In this case, germination will take less than a day, but you will have to constantly monitor the moisture content of the gauze. When the seedlings have reached the desired size, rinse the beans in clean water. Do this daily.

When pea sprouts appear, it is important to keep it in water only until they reach the desired size – 2-3 mm. Further soaking to obtain a product for food will only reduce its value.

Germination of peas for planting in open ground

Pea sprouts at home are obtained not only for food, but also for planting. It is important to start with the rejection of seed. Too small, deformed and damaged specimens are unusable, they must be thrown away. Further algorithm:

  1. Dip the beans in a salt solution – 1 tbsp. l. per liter of water for a quarter of an hour. Throw away all floating specimens, they will not germinate.
  2. Rinse the peas in running water.
  3. Soak the seeds in warm water until they swell noticeably. This takes 12-15 hours.
  4. Place the beans on a plate, cover with damp cheesecloth, and put in a warm and dark place.
  5. After a few days, rinse the seeds in running water, repeat the algorithm.

Germination for planting takes longer than a similar process for eating the product. The reason is that the seeds are provided with less moisture. This slows down the process, but does not provoke rotting of the planting material.

Possible problems and difficulties

The result is not always obtained, as in the photo of sprouted peas at home. Often there are such problems:

  1. It was not possible to germinate peas. The reason usually lies in the loss of germination – the seeds lay for a long time, the germs of the sprouts were damaged during processing.
  2. Mold appeared – the grain was poorly washed, a rare change of water, the container was in the sunlight, dirty dishes.
  3. Low percentage of sprouted beans – used peas, no rejection.
  4. The grain deteriorates, does not germinate – when germinating, there is not enough oxygen, the absence of which causes fermentation.
Comment! Pea seed germination features mean that it should not be poured in a large layer. Grain in such conditions overheats, does not receive enough oxygen.


Sprouting peas for food or planting is easy if you follow all the rules. It is important to choose high-quality raw materials, not to neglect its preparation, especially culling. Pea sprouts are useful to eat, but follow the recommended dosages. The product has contraindications, ignoring them can adversely affect the state of health.

Sprouting peas

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