Is it ok to give alcohol to a teacher?

At the school where my son studies, it is not customary to collect money for collective gifts to teachers. But we have such a good teaching staff that I would like to thank them for their work and present a small present.

But what exactly to choose, I do not know. The easiest option is a bottle of good liquor. Is this appropriate and what kind of alcohol is suitable for such a case?

Is it possible to give alcohol to a teacher

If you look at this issue from the point of view of the current legislation, then you can give alcohol. The only prohibition established by Article 575 of the Civil Code is gifts worth more than 3000 rubles.

But for 1500 – 2000 it is quite possible to buy a bottle of a good drink. And we will please the teachers and we will not break the law.

Everything is more difficult from an ethical point of view. Many people think that a gift to a teacher is basically inappropriate. On the surface, this looks more like an attempt to appease the teacher and ask him for good grades.

Other moralists argue that alcohol and school are incompatible things. Such a gift can discredit the image of a teacher, because a person who brings knowledge to children should not have addictions.

But on the other hand, we are all human beings and have the right to rest the way we want. If alcohol is presented to the teacher not in front of everyone, in the right packaging and by the parent, and not by the child, then there is nothing wrong with that.

Important! It is legally allowed to give gifts to teachers only on public holidays. Therefore, on February 23 or March 8, it is quite possible to please the teacher.

What alcohol to choose for a female teacher

If perishing and give alcohol, then only good brands. For a woman, it is better to choose light drinks of low strength:

  1. Wine. The most popular are white dry and red semi-sweet wines. But remember that a bottle of a good drink cannot cost less than 800-1000 rubles. For more sophisticated natures, Italian Prosecco (Prosecco) is suitable.
  2. Champagne. A classic holiday drink. You can choose the usual varieties of Martini Asti (Martini Asti) or Mondoro (Mondoro).
  3. Liquor. For a gift for March 8, creamy Baileys (Baileys) or coconut Malibu (Malibu) are perfect.

The classic women’s drink Martini (Martini) always remains in demand, although not all women love it. In general, before choosing alcohol, it is better to find out what kind of alcohol the teacher prefers.

Is it ok to give alcohol to a teacher?

Important! According to etiquette, you can give a female teacher strong drinks only if you know for sure that she drinks them.

What alcohol to choose for a male teacher

Men are most often given a bottle of good cognac or whiskey. Presenting vodka is somehow not customary, because this drink is not considered exquisite. It is better to give your favorite teacher a ten-year-old Ararat or Camus (Camus).

Is it ok to give alcohol to a teacher?

Exotic drinks are also suitable, for example, Tequila (tequila) or rum. In this case, you can complement the gift with fruit or chocolate. An unusual present will be a bottle of Gin (Gin) or Calvadoc (Calvados).

Is it ok to give alcohol to a teacher?

How to gift alcohol to teachers

The main rule is that alcohol must be in the package. You should not demonstrate to others what exactly you are giving to the teacher. The easiest option is a paper bag with a pattern suitable for the holiday. The stores also sell special wooden boxes for liquor.

And certainly you do not need to present such a gift in front of the whole class. Children should not know that you are giving the teacher alcohol. It is better to come to the teacher’s office when he is left alone there and give his present.

Alcohol is a controversial gift. Etiquette forbids giving it to women at all, the law allows it. Therefore, the choice is for everyone.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. Take care of yourself!

And what do you think, how correct is it to give a class teacher a bottle of wine or cognac for the holidays? Or is it better to look for another gift?

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