is it harmful to eat a lot of eggs every day

Each of us has our favorite products, which we can pamper ourselves and our family with on special occasions. And there are those that are present on our table almost every day. And we do not attach importance to what effect they have on our body. It turns out that not all foods, if eaten every day, are beneficial. Sometimes, in this case, they do more harm.

Many people start their day with this particular product, preferring to eat omelet, scrambled eggs, soft-boiled eggs for breakfast, etc. And there is nothing wrong with that, because eggs are rich in vitamins A, B and D, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and other trace elements. But it is better to limit their use to 1-2 times a week. Egg yolk is rich in cholesterol, which contributes to the development of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels and, accordingly, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The benefits of meat are undeniable: it supplies protein that helps build bone and muscle tissue. However, scientists say that daily consumption of red meat (beef, pork, lamb) increases the risk of developing malignant diseases of the stomach and intestines. Those who like to grill meat should be especially careful. A relatively safe serving of such fried meat without oil for an adult is 50 grams per week! And before cooking, it is better to marinate it, and then not fry it until crusty.

The product is far from useful, since it contains sodium nitrate concentrate and other additives. With continued use, it can trigger the development of diabetes mellitus, heart disease, hypertension, and even cancer. It is no coincidence that WHO equates the harm from eating sausage with smoking and alcohol abuse.

One of the most popular vegetables in our country, it is no coincidence that in many families it appears on the table every day. But it is worth considering one “but”. Fried potatoes are harmful to the liver and pancreas and should not be overused. Give preference to boiled. But do not overdo it here, as you can easily gain excess weight.

Tuna is a delicious fish and, if consumed in moderation, useful (for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases). But, alas, it has a feature of high concentrations of mercury and other industrial waste that end up in our seas and oceans. That is why doctors do not recommend adding tuna to their daily menu, and pregnant women are advised to completely abandon its use.

Not only do you get fat from such baking! It is also useless in terms of nutritional value. White bread reduces efficiency, contributes to the appearance of acne on the skin. And its regular use can lead to diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases.

Of course, spinach is rich in vitamins, minerals and organic acids. But it is also rich in oxalic acid, which affects the functioning of the genitourinary system. Therefore, if you suffer from liver diseases, biliary tract, rheumatism, then spinach should be excluded from the diet altogether. Healthy people can consume it 2-3 times a week.

It is low in fiber (compared to a whole orange), but high in fructose. And the daily use of such juice is fraught with weight gain – fructose is processed into fat. Better eat fresh fruit!

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