Is it easy to be a man today?

The modern man is looking for new landmarks. Life presents him with conflicting demands: today a man must be flexible, while maintaining firmness. How to achieve this?

Until recently, it didn’t take much effort to be a man. Masculinity was considered something self-evident. Popular culture offered clear and indisputable examples of the behavior of a real man – from the defender of the motherland on the posters of the Great Patriotic War to a series of movie characters.

From time immemorial, it was believed: to be a man is, first of all, not to be a woman, to reject the female component of one’s personality. Men build themselves not imitating their father, but starting from the image of their mother, especially if there was no understanding and loving father in their life.

“Children begin their emotional life by identifying themselves with their mother,” explains sociologist and sexologist Igor Kon. “But boys will soon find out that they are different from their mothers. They are forced to form their masculine identity negatively, through separation from their mother.” It turns out that a “real man” must abandon genuine emotions. He does not cry, rarely talks about his feelings, expresses them with deeds. “I have never cried in my entire life,” recalls 62-year-old Vasily. “Even when I buried my sister. Men do not cry”.

Historical context

In primitive society, they were hunters and warriors. They required physical strength, determination, patience and silence in order to lie in wait for prey and deliver an accurate blow. Even the root of the Russian word “courage” suggests that courage and endurance were originally considered masculine traits. Other valuable properties of men – notions of honor, discipline, respect for hierarchy and loyalty – made it possible to build the most important social institutions and form the structure of modern society based on male power.

The image of the ideal man also includes self-control, activity, independence, logic and the desire to win. But those qualities that were historically necessary for survival and protection are now increasingly complicating life in a family and in a couple, limiting the development of a man’s personality. In particular, because in the collective unconscious these indisputable virtues are “linked” with such unacceptable traits today as aggressiveness, brute force, the desire to dominate a woman.

The time has come not only for freedom, but also for the loss of reference points

Now that women have achieved financial independence, equal work rights, and sexual freedom, the age-old foundation of male power has been shaken. Even the transmission of a generic name has ceased to be a male privilege: a child can receive the surname not only of the father, but also of the mother.

According to the Russian Monitoring of the Economic Situation and Health of the Population (RLMS), 62% of Russian men believe that they are more suitable for the role of a leader than women, and 66% believe that “a husband’s business is to earn money, and a woman’s business is to look after children.” But still, under the pressure of modern independent women, the traditional idea of ​​gender roles is losing ground. Stereotypes no longer help male self-definition: men have to reinvent themselves.

“Feminization is a formidable sign of the times”

“There is a certain constant in the image of a real man, a genetic principle that is embedded in us: a man is, first of all, a warrior and defender of the house. To be a warrior, it is not necessary to take up a sword. A man just needs to be strong, dexterous, physically developed in order to be able to protect loved ones, the country. What also distinguishes him, of course, is responsibility. The ability to admit mistakes, to take a hit, to be able to answer for everyone he took under his wing.

Growing up in a tough post-war era, it certainly set a powerful tone for our generation. In the environment where I grew up, there were no special educational conversations about what a real man is. There were enough separate replicas: “What are you crying about? You’re a man!”

How have men changed?

The time of freedom has come – but also the loss of reference points. Men are looking for their way, wandering in the fog, because the universal model of masculinity has given way to a multifaceted image of a man. One of the popular types is the metrosexual, a favorite character in advertising. He enjoys shopping, is not shy about showing his feelings and cares about his appearance.

A prime example is football player David Beckham. He follows fashion, wears jewelry, changes his hairstyle. And at the same time remains the standard of masculinity.

Men in general began to pay more attention to their appearance, trying to look as good and younger as possible. “In recent decades, the male body has become more open and accessible to the eye. The realization that they are looking at his body, depicting him is an incentive for a man to take care of his health and beauty. The body and appearance are becoming important components of the male image, on which the overall self-esteem, self-esteem and the level of subjective well-being of the individual depend, ”explains Igor Kon.

For most men in the world, the cornerstone of masculinity today is self-reliance and the respect of friends.

23-year-old Mikhail believes that taking care of himself is necessary: ​​“I go to fitness, use creams, watch my diet. In men’s magazines you can always find information about the right physical activity, how to keep fit and not get sick.

Taking care of yourself is now accepted not only among young people. “We pay close attention to how employees and competitors dress,” says Oleg, 49, a publishing house director. “Appearance really matters. If you want to be respected – if you please correspond. Women also pay attention to how a man is dressed. “Clothes that indicate the high status of its owner significantly increase the attractiveness of a man in the eyes of a woman,” says anthropologist Marina Butovskaya.

Another test for today’s men, pushing them towards feminization, is the loss of the role of the sole breadwinner and the real threat of losing their jobs. The sword of Damocles of dismissal hangs over representatives of any profession, the competition in the labor market is very high. Today, a man can no longer firmly count on the fact that his career will be smooth.

“In the labor sphere, the traditional system of the gender division of labor is being destroyed, the polarization of male and female production roles and fields of activity is weakening,” confirms Igor Kon. “Women are gradually being compared with men, and even surpass them in terms of the level of education, on which future careers and social opportunities largely depend.”

“Today it is more difficult for us than for Stirlitz”

“I don’t think that over time the image of a real man has changed a lot. For me, his father has always been his embodiment. I am sure: in childhood, such concepts are laid down primarily not by words, but by deeds – by personal example. And of course, literature. I remember that in the third grade, my dad advised me to read Captain Blood’s Odyssey, a novel by Rafael Sabatini about a noble pirate, a man of honor and courage.

A little older, I read The Gadfly, wiped Seventeen Moments of Spring to the holes … In general, when I hear that valor is not honored these days, I always remember the expression of Russian officers, “I have the honor!”. These almost forgotten words are very close to my heart today. After all, a real man is not afraid to set goals and achieve them. But not in any way: stepping over people is unacceptable for me. A man at all times knew how to make friends, knew how to love, knew how to take responsibility and do things. Perhaps it’s more difficult for us today than for Stirlitz or Captain Blood, but in any situation I try to be calm, self-confident and reliable.”

What is important for a modern man?

But a modern man wants not only to earn a living, but also to live! So he has to change his priorities. Personal value is determined not only by professional status – a man seeks to realize himself as the father of the family, husband, lover, friend. And in this desire is not far behind the woman! According to an international survey within the MALES project, for most men in the world today, the cornerstone of masculinity is independence and respect for friends. And attractiveness, financial stability and an active sex life are much less significant.

According to a study conducted by RLMS, 70% of Russian men name family and children as one of the three most important values ​​in life, 30% and 25%, respectively, find interesting work and having friends. The man is actively involved in family life and takes his role as a father more seriously than ever. More and more men are cutting back on their workloads to spend more time at home. They establish a trusting relationship with their children from the very first years of their lives, whereas before, taking care of a small child was considered the exclusive responsibility of the mother.

“The increase in paternal love may be partly due to some estrogenization of the male population of post-industrial countries,” explains Marina Butovskaya. She argues that this trend is also reflected in women’s expectations: “The increase in the importance for a woman of such a characteristic as kindness in choosing a partner reflects a general orientation towards monogamy and the search for “good fathers”.

Some men, deep down, are afraid of change, as if women are depriving them of their male power.

It becomes more and more obvious: to be a real man does not mean to be macho. A real man is a complex person with his own strengths and weaknesses, strong principles and the ability to adapt and change. Macho, on the other hand, asserts himself primarily through defiantly aggressive behavior and dominance over women.

“Maybe before drinking and fighting were considered attributes of masculinity. But now all this is a thing of the past,” says 29-year-old Ivan, an engineer. “A woman is more likely to choose not a tough guy, but a sincere, humane one who is not shy about being herself.”

What happens? Have men and women finally buried the hatchet? It is not that simple. Some men, deep down, are afraid of change, as if women are depriving them of their male power, almost castrating them. In response, they rebel, trying to resurrect the most popular stereotypes of masculinity.

Some are attracted by the romance of thieves chanson, others endlessly watch series with shooting and chases, others perform computer feats for hours, identifying themselves with the muscular and armed to the teeth hero of the games.

Victims of the war of the sexes

The gallery of images of modern men would be incomplete without another type – “men on the verge of a nervous breakdown”, who got lost between feminization and neo-Machismo. He perceives women’s independence as a personal threat. He has lost all the landmarks of masculinity that could support him. Self-doubt, impaired potency, fear of responsibility, lack of initiative – these are the symptoms by which you can recognize a lost man.

“The crisis of masculinity, which is much talked about and written about, is primarily a crisis of the usual gender order and traditional masculine ideology,” notes Igor Kon. “The driving force behind this change is women, and some men perceive the changes taking place with anxiety.”

Today, men need to find a new place in relationships with women who are taking revenge on centuries of male dominance, sometimes embodying in their behavior norms that were previously considered exclusively male. “It happens that when meeting a girl, she demonstrates her independence, behaves almost aggressively, and then suddenly it turns out that in fact she expects tenderness from you, which you are not ready to give her,” admits 23-year-old Artem, a student.

Oleg, director of a publishing house, recalls his difficult life period: “I think that women behave too harshly. Moreover, for men, the time of the crisis turned into a decline in activity. I broke up with my beloved woman for a while – I simply could not maintain a relationship … Of course, sometimes you want to share your problems with a friend. But it is better to think first whether it is necessary to do this. A woman doesn’t like it when a man loses confidence.” No, it’s not easy being a man today.

“I’m working on myself”

“The world is now more imprisoned for the female space than for the male one. Who are the male heroes in the mass consciousness today? Artists, athletes, politicians – outwardly successful people. They all, with rare exceptions, want to please! And I’m more close to the image of a man who is independent of public opinion. Take, for example, Captain Ahab from Moby Dick or Captain Alatriste from the Perez-Reverte epic – I can’t imagine anyone wanting to like them! I consider self-esteem to be extremely important for a man.

Pushkin did not understand whether his wife was faithful to him, whether the rumors were true. Someone encroached on his honor – and he went to a duel. I am also annoyed by the artificial and excessive complimentary towards women. The sincerity is gone! And I do not want to indulge the female desire to be emancipated and independent. The man must be the leader. This is his nature! Of course, this implies responsibility. Therefore, I am working on myself, overcoming infantilism in myself, trying to realize myself responsible to my family, country, world and to my vocation.

What does a woman want?

A man should be a protector-knight and a gallant cavalier, recognize a woman as his equal and admire her feminine charm. To meet women’s expectations, he expands the range of courtship techniques.

This is confirmed by the sociologist Christine Castelin-Meunier: “A woman expects a lot from a man – she wants him to be able to make her laugh, surprise her, and emphasize her superiority over her rivals. It should arouse interest, but also give a sense of reliability. In general, to win a woman, you need the ability to play a variety of roles.

So what is he, a modern man? He accepts himself and his weaknesses, but maintains self-confidence. He knows what he wants and what he absolutely does not accept. Being courageous today means being flexible without losing your own face. The main thing now is not so much courage or ambition, but inner strength. It is this strength that modern women are looking for in men.

Having won the right to happiness, women realized that in order to exercise this right, they need a man next to them. Ready to understand and support. Accomplished and versatile. Responsible and able to make decisions. So men, the challenge is up!

“They have become more reflective”

Are modern men able to respond to the challenges of the times? On the whole, they manage, says sociologist and writer Daniel Welzer-Lang, who has devoted himself to the study of male nature.

Psychologies: You can often hear that “men are in crisis today.”

Daniel Welzer-Lang: It’s really hard to figure out what’s going on. After all, men have long been looked at in terms of their relationship with women and the distribution of responsibilities in a pair. But the attitude of men towards themselves was rarely studied, although it is extremely important. For example, many men now live alone. The failure of the first union often makes a man think about the pressure he felt from the woman (or so it seemed to him): “Do this and that! Why didn’t you do so-and-so?”

He had firsthand experience with women’s claims to equality, and living in such an environment is not always easy. And suddenly, returning to loneliness, men discover that they are self-sufficient. They choose what they like to do and what they don’t: “I’ll hire someone to iron and clean, and I’ll handle the rest myself.” They become more mature, prepared for life together: today it is better to be a second wife than a first!

So men are undergoing profound changes?

I think yes. They have become more reflective, more often turn to a psychotherapist. And if earlier it was believed that “the best word of a man is silence,” today, more than ever, he needs to pour out his soul. He used to have a reputation for being unable to put many things into words. Perhaps this was the reason for the violence, especially domestic violence. Besides, there was no place where he could be heard. And today in Europe they are creating “men’s houses” where they are ready to receive men who are in crisis, in particular after a divorce, where they can talk about themselves, speak out …

But we see that many men, on the contrary, “turn to stone”.

In the face of great changes in society, some stand up for radical masculinity under the motto. You can’t instantly get rid of the traces of decades when men perceived themselves this way. But basically they are now ready to change. Many even see this stage as an opportunity to enjoy life more in the future: to fulfill their inclinations, to lure women, watch TV, or even just do nothing …

What will the next generation of men look like?

Complex issue. Maybe they will be androgynous creatures. Or people who are smart, receptive, creative, cheerful, without any sexism. It will still be men, but they will not divide the world into “homo” and “hetero”. The future man will think more about himself, talk about himself, and therefore he will be able to open up. We are living in a difficult transitional period. Sometimes men feel insecure, but in general they do quite well!

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