Is it difficult for you to make decisions? Techniques to defeat paralysis by analysis
Putting reason at the service of the heart and dusting off intuition are the keys proposed by the psychologist Ana Asensio for a person to be able to take charge of his life

What if I am wrong? What if it is not what was expected of me? What if they get angry? What if it brings me problems? What if in the end I don’t get it? … The mind fills with phrases that begin with “What if …?” when you do not want to assume the responsibility and risk involved in making a specific decision. That’s when the call makes its presence felt paralysis by analysis That leads to blockage, to dependence that makes someone else decide, to avoidance so that time passes and the time to decide never comes or to disconnect from the bond and commitment we have with ourselves and with the world.
As Ana Asensio, psychologist, doctor in Neuroscience and founder of ‘Vidas en positive’ recalls, the decision making It can be one of the most blocking acts that we live, although it clarifies that there is no valid intervention for everyone other than to make ourselves aware, dare to decide, learn to make mistakes and learn to decide to, finally, be able to discern between what we what is appropriate and what is not.
The keys to facilitating decision-making are, according to Asensio, “Put reason at the service of the heart” y “Dust off intuition”. But before explaining these two recommendations in detail, the psychologist invites each person to ask themselves, from kindness to oneself and without judgment, how decision-making really takes: Do you avoid doing it often? On the contrary, do you enjoy being the owner of your decisions? Do you usually think about them a lot or do you take them impulsively?…. Once we know where we are starting from, he proposes to dive tied to these two anchors:
Reason, at the service of the heart
“Put reason at the service of the heart” is a phrase that, as analyzed by Asensio, reminds us of the union between feeling and thinking and between reason and the heart. «This reflection brings us back to connect with the heart, with that cardiac intelligence and those intelligent cells that the heart has that makes it relate to our deep mind. Together they make a magnificent team that leads the brain, reason, to execute what we have determined from being, feeling, and from our energies ”, he argues.
But it is also important to enhance the intuition, that sense that we have and that, far from being magical or ethereal, is something innate, that we only need to learn to identify and use it, without fear, as something everyday because, according to the psychologist, it will lead us with certainty to make many decisions without need to have headaches with them.
How to dust off intuition
It is true that rational decisions are important. But, what happens when head, reason and analysis say one thing, and our heart, our feeling and our being say another? As Ana Asensio clarifies, the important work when this happens is to tune in and unite head and heart. And this is where intuition plays a star role. Of course, it is important that we learn to recognize when a feeling is an accurate intuition that generates confidence and serenity and when it is something deceptive or doubtful. «The most important thing is to observe if this intuition is born from calm, peace and tranquility or from that feeling of certainty, because if it is so there will be no doubt. But if what you feel you think is an intuition is born from fear, from control and anticipation, from an impulse or from an automatic and non-conscious reaction, we are not really talking about an intuition », he explains.
Once we know how to differentiate what an intuition really is, it is necessary to begin to reconnect with that ability to have those sensations. One of the techniques to achieve this is silence Well, as Asensio reveals, intuition is born from that fertile emptiness that we generate by stopping, by silencing ourselves, by observing without judgment and without fear, leaning on our breath and being fully aware that thoughts are just that, thoughts and don’t have why be true. “Ask your heart with serenity, with love and from the openness for that answer that you want to know to know where to go or how to do it,” he proposes.
Finally, the psychologist clarifies that intuition does not predict the future, but rather is a guide to find the best way. “That is why it is a sixth sense that receives information not always conscious so that that deep self that we all have is the one that guides us in life,” he concludes.