Is it dangerous to shave hair in the bikini area: advice from a gynecologist

Sign up for a hair removal or use a shaving razor? Our expert answered this question.

“Why aren’t you wearing a bikini? It’s so sexy. ” Lively girlfriends love to discuss each other’s underwear. Immediately after buying a revealing swimsuit, another question arises: “How to achieve perfect smoothness in the intimate area?” This delicate question is answered by the obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences Ekaterina Ilyina.

Gynecologists advise throwing out the razor

Depilation is one of the most demanded procedures. Even various intimate hairstyles have come into vogue. Not every girl can afford to visit a beautician’s office twice a month to remove hair in the bikini area. It is cheaper to get rid of hated and coarse hairs with a razor. Doctors are against using this old and accessible method. Gynecologists agree on one thing: shaving hair in the bikini area is dangerous.

“Few people know that the razor violates the integrity of the skin, injuring the upper layer of the epidermis,” says obstetrician-gynecologist of the Medical Center “Doctor’s Clinic Ch”, Candidate of Medical Sciences Ekaterina Ilyina. – The skin is the first protective barrier against bacterial infections, which, if damaged, can lead to dermatitis. It usually presents with redness, swelling, burning, itching, and sometimes soreness. Dermatitis can be acute or chronic. Severe redness, blisters that break open and leave weeping erosive surfaces that are covered with crusts (may leave slight pigmentation) are referred to as acute manifestations of dermatitis. Chronic dermatitis is manifested by compaction, keratinization, peeling of the skin. “

To achieve ideal smoothness in the intimate area without serious consequences, you can use photo, wax or laser hair removal

The gynecologist warns that in the area of ​​damage to the hair follicles, boils, or skin abscesses, which manifest themselves with severe redness, induration, swelling and painful sensations in this place, may occur. “After 3-4 days, a rod is formed around the inflamed follicle, which consists of necrotic tissues,” continues Ekaterina. – On the skin, it looks like a white, convex abscess that covers a thin layer of skin. After opening it, an ulcer is formed, which, when healed, leaves a skin defect in the form of scars, scars. “

After shaving, folliculitis can occur – an inflammation of the hair follicle in the form of a small pimple with a white dot in the center, which is most often caused by a staphylococcal infection. By the way, staphylococcus is a microorganism that is constantly on the skin of most people.

If signs of inflammation appear, medical attention is needed.

The consequences of all this can be different. The first nuisance is a cosmetic defect. After furunculosis, keloid scars may remain with tightening of the surrounding skin. Often these diseases are complicated by an abscess or phlegmon. “If an infection gets into the venous and lymphatic vessels, it can cause sepsis (blood poisoning),” warns Ekaterina. – can also be involved in the inflammatory process nearby lymph nodes, such complications are called lymphadenitis. If staphylococcus enters the bloodstream, the formation of inflammatory (purulent) foci in the internal organs is possible. “

If signs of inflammation appear after shaving, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner so that a correct diagnosis is made and a comprehensive treatment begins, which, as a rule, includes proper nutrition, local antimicrobial systemic therapy, and immunotherapy. In advanced cases, you have to resort to surgical treatment.

These unpleasant consequences can be avoided if shaving in the bikini area is replaced by other methods. For example, use a cream for depilation, wax or laser hair removal, photoepilation.

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