Is it about tradition? Why after eating is drawn to sweets

And how to get rid of harmful addiction?

What they just do not tell us about the dangers of sweets: diabetes causes, and hypertension occurs, and obesity is about to overtake. We ourselves often feel addicted to pastries, cakes, sweets and soothe ourselves with the fact that the sweet tooth has the most good-natured disposition. As the saying goes: “Love for sweets is not a sign of weak will, it is an indicator of a sweet character.”

We can easily explain to ourselves why we reach for chocolate when we are in a bad mood. But why do you want dessert after a hearty lunch and dinner? Our expert began his commentary with the words: “Our national tradition is to drink tea with various sweets and pastries after the main meal.”

“There are several reasons for the cravings for sweets after meals.

One of the first, of course, is the national traditions and habits that have developed in the family. Very often, after the main meal, the whole family gathers for tea. The tables are full of pastries and a variety of sweets. If this is your option, try to replace the sweet table with fruits and dried fruits, nuts will also be useful. This will reduce the daily calorie intake and will not contribute to body weight gain. Don’t sweeten your tea; if you are not allergic, replace it with honey. The taste will be the same, but the benefits are much greater.

For some, sugar cravings are just a habit developed over the years. Felt that you want something sweet – drink a glass of water or eat a fruit (apple, pear).

Insufficient calories can also contribute to sugar cravings. If you have a sweet tooth in the evenings, try eating later, for example at 19:00 pm. Add more fiber to your diet – fruits, vegetables, legumes. Feelings of fullness come faster when you consume protein.

It is believed that cravings for sweets increase with a lack of chromium, magnesium, zinc and other trace elements. In fact, scientifically, this is an unproven fact. As a rule, when taking active dietary supplements, the desire to eat sweets does not decrease.

An unbalanced diet, skipped meals lead to the fact that in the evening a brutal appetite wakes up and you want to eat more, preferably fatty, high-calorie food and add all this with sweets. Try to control your diet. Do not skip meals, be sure to have snacks between meals (fruits, yoghurts, nuts are good for this). Eat food in a relaxed atmosphere, chew slowly.

You may be eating too many simple carbohydrates that have a very high glycemic index. They are digested quickly, causing the pancreas to release more insulin. In this case, blood sugar rises rapidly, but also falls rapidly. Which can make you want to eat something sweet.

Try to add more fiber and complex, long-digesting carbohydrates to your diet. Eliminate from your diet or limit as much as possible the use of sweet soda water, juices, desserts, sweets, white flour products.

And of course, the main reason for the excessive consumption of sweets is emotional stress. Chocolate triggers the production of serotonin, the “happiness hormone” in the body.

If you feel that your emotional stress is increasing, try to distract yourself. A walk in the fresh air will help, listen to relaxing music. Eat fruit or nuts, drink a glass of water. If you cannot cope with the desire to eat chocolate, let it be dark bitter chocolate. It is more natural and will bring maximum benefits.

To combat bad habits, there are now many mobile applications. You can also find the right supplement to help you reduce your sugar intake to help you control your cravings.

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