Is green coffee good for weight loss? You didn’t know that about her!
Is green coffee good for weight loss? You didnt know that about her!Is green coffee good for weight loss? You didn’t know that about her!

Not infrequently, on the shelves with healthy food, we meet green coffee, announced by the results of research as an excellent slimming drug. However, a lot of questions about its effectiveness have arisen around it.

Green coffee comes from the same beans as black coffee. The difference is that it has not been thermally treated.

Main ingredient – chlorogenic acid

Chlorogenic acid is an antioxidant obtained primarily from green fruits and leaves. It is widely believed that it has a positive effect on the circulatory system by stabilizing pressure and increasing the lumen of blood vessels. In addition, it cleanses and protects the liver against the harmful effects of heavy metals. Green coffee rich in this acid is used in slimming diets due to the slower process of assimilating sugars, as well as sensitizing cells to insulin. This would make it easier to achieve a healthy weight and avoid diabetes.

Undermined research

Controversial research results were announced by Joe Vinson, a scientist at the University of Pennsylvania. The research was carried out on too narrow a group of people – 8 men and 8 women, and lasted for 22 weeks. The daredevils consumed 1050 mg of green coffee extract each day, which was expected to lead to an average decrease of 4 percent. body fat and eight kilograms. These results are undermined by the lack of representatives of each age group and the mere fact that the participants also received a placebo. The research volunteers exercised every day, and the scientist was suspected of deriving financial benefits from the producer of the extract.

Joe Vinson’s research was further undermined by Australian scientists who conducted their own research on rodents. It turned out that not only did green coffee not reduce body weight, but it intensified the metabolic syndrome. Both mice receiving the extract in combination with a high-fat diet and those receiving the high-fat diet alone had the same weight gain. Fatty liver and insulin resistance increased.

To use or not to use? – that is the question

Green coffee, as well as black, contains antioxidants that are good for health and caffeine that stimulates, when it comes to morning momentum, we can safely use it. The real impact of green coffee on weight loss would be shown by reliably conducted research on at least a few hundred people of different ages. Certainly, daily exercise and a healthy slimming diet will contribute to weight loss, without them, even with the proven properties of green coffee, we should not expect amazing results.

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