Is flu without a fever possible?

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Can you have the flu without a fever? Is a high fever the most important symptom of flu? Does the absence of a fever rule out the possibility of flu? Could it just be a cold? The question is answered by the drug. Katarzyna Darecka.

Could the flu be without a fever?

Good day. I am a 36-year-old man, rather healthy, I do not have any major health problems. Now, however, I have caught a cold that looks like the flu to me, but I’m not sure. Well, I have a runny nose, cough, and a sore throat – so typical cold symptoms. However, I also have a problem with moving, all my muscles and bones hurt, and this is a symptom that suits me flu symptom. I had the flu before and I remember that it was characteristic of my illness.

However, I have some doubts because I did not develop a fever. From the very beginning of a cold, I have no fever, at most a slight low-grade fever appears and usually only in the evening – then everything is fine. And here is my question – whether flu without fever is possible? Could the fact that I do not have a high temperature preclude the flu and my symptoms indicate a cold or other illness? I wonder whether to go to the doctor with this or maybe he can stay at home and heal himself.

The doctor explains whether fever always happens with flu

The vast majority of cases human flu is diagnosed clinically on the basis of symptoms (i.e. an interview with the patient) and physical symptoms (i.e. a physical examination). We distinguish 4 influenza viruses: A, B, C and D. In addition to these influenza viruses, a person in the autumn and winter period may become infected with rhinoviruses, parainfluenza viruses, paramyxoviruses or adenoviruses with affinity for the respiratory tract, which makes the difference between influenza and colds caused by the above-mentioned these viruses are often difficult on the basis of clinical examination.

Flu symptoms include sudden onset symptoms such as fever, cough (usually dry), headache, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, sore throat and runny nose. For the diagnosis of influenza, not all symptoms need to be present, and fever is not a mandatory criterion for the diagnosis of influenza. In most immunocompetent people, not burdened with chronic diseases, most symptoms resolve within a week, and coughs within two weeks, without additional medical advice.

An indication for hospitalization a patient with flu there are specific symptoms, most patients will recover from bed regimen, drinking plenty of fluids daily, and symptomatic treatment to combat fever or pain, and if that does not help, see your GP for medical history and examination.

You should go to the hospital immediately if you develop symptoms such as shortness of breath and respiratory effort, or signs of pneumonia on a physical examination by your GP or radiographic evidence of pneumonia; nervous system symptoms, incl. e.g. seizures, impaired consciousness, encephalitis, neurological deficits.

It should be noted how important it is not to work during a bothersome cold or suspected flu, to use the bed regimen, not to leave the house to rest, because failure to follow these recommendations may be complicated by diseases such as myocarditis, kidney failure, multi-organ failure, sepsis and skeletal muscle breakdown.

– Lek. Katarzyna Darecka

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