A critical eye and common sense will help maintain our weight, especially if our loved ones like to eat hearty. After all, the risk of getting fat increases by almost 60% if one of our friends is obese, and by almost 40% if a partner has it. And it’s not just about the same lifestyle.
A critical eye and common sense will help maintain our weight, especially if our loved ones like to eat hearty. After all, the risk of getting fat increases by almost 60% if one of our friends is obese, and by almost 40% if a partner has it. And it’s not just about the same lifestyle. Nicholas Christakis, professor at Harvard Medical School (USA), and James Fowler, social media expert at the University of California (USA), argue that overweight relatives living thousands of miles away also have an impact on our shape! They change our understanding of the boundaries of «normal» weight, and therefore, if we add extra pounds, this does not seem to be a problem for us — after all, those we love look alike!