Is eye gymnastics effective? Overview of reviews

No one is immune from vision problems today – we spend the lion’s share of our working time and leisure at the computer. And this means that even perfect vision over the years can turn into myopia. In a sense, we are all internally ready for this: we see nothing wrong with starting to wear glasses or contact lenses in the same way that thousands of other people do. But myopia is not the norm of life, and it is quite possible to get rid of glasses if you make a little effort.

Why exactly gymnastics for the eyes?

If an examination by an ophthalmologist already indicates a serious deterioration in vision, a person has 5 options for further action:

  • Reconcile and leave everything as it is. Not the most reasonable way out, because the situation will only get worse. Imagine how much time and money you will spend on systematic visits to the doctor, selection and purchase of new optics as your vision continues to fall? Consider other options better;

  • Sign up for a course of special exercises. In medical centers and ophthalmological clinics there are simulators on which people with sick eyesight are invited to conduct 15-20 sessions for vision correction. This allows you to achieve only a short-term positive effect, in addition, not everyone has the opportunity and desire to attend such classes;

  • Decide on surgery. A radical way, but not always successful. Practice shows that most patients after surgery either have complications, or after some time their eyesight falls again, or both at once. Therefore, let’s face it – it makes sense to contact a surgeon only when no conservative methods are already known to help;

  • Treat eyes with folk remedies. On the one hand, healing decoctions, infusions and lotions really relieve tension, fatigue and inflammation without harming a person and without emptying his wallet. On the other hand, folk methods are ineffective in cases where serious vision correction is required;

  • Do eye exercises. Perhaps this is the most correct decision. Firstly, gymnastics really stops the process of vision deterioration, and sometimes reverses it, returning the performance to normal. Secondly, this technique does not require any material or special time costs – half an hour a day maximum. And thirdly, even if eye gymnastics does not help you as well as you expected, in any case, you will not lose anything.

Reviews of people about gymnastics for the eyes

To evaluate the effectiveness of a particular vision correction method, it is best to ask about it from those who have used it in practice. That is why we decided to conduct a large-scale study of eye gymnastics reviews on thematic forums where people with poor vision gather and consult.

The opinions of Runet users were distributed as follows:

  • Gymnastics for the eyes helps me – 43%;

  • Gymnastics helps with myopia, but weakly – 11%;

  • Regular exercises for the eyes help stop the deterioration of vision – 8%;

  • Gymnastics for the eyes is a waste of time – 19%;

  • I find it difficult to answer, because I have not tried / just started trying – 19%.

More than 40% of unbiased positive reviews is a lot, because people were not asked to confirm or deny the effectiveness of any medication or paid vision correction technique, they simply expressed their opinion. It should be noted that the majority of respondents who praised gymnastics for the eyes honestly warned that it helps only with long-term regular classes (from 3 months to a year).

In fairness, we emphasize that, according to the results of the survey, there was not a single person with myopia who would say that gymnastics allowed him to completely restore his vision to normal and give up glasses.

Approximately 19% of respondents consider this technique absolutely useless, but mostly these are people who did gymnastics for the eyes for 1-2 months and quit without seeing a quick result.

Those survey participants who attributed gymnastics to ineffective methods of treating myopia say that with the help of such exercises it is possible to improve vision by a maximum of half a diopter. But let’s think: is it really so little?

The general conclusion from the reviews about gymnastics for the eyes is that the technique is worth trying it on yourself. More than half of the people surveyed confirm its effectiveness to one degree or another. How much gymnastics will help you, you will not know until you try. One thing is certain – it will not bring harm, it will not require costs, and it will not take much time.

[Video] Dr. Berg – How to improve vision without glasses? Simple exercise:

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