Is everything useful in nuts?

We have a lot of positive associations with this product – with natural nutrition, energy, a slim figure… We asked experts to comment on some of the most common (pre)beliefs.

1. Nuts help you lose weight

Not certainly in that way. “This is one of the mistakes of many of those who dream of losing weight,” says nutritionist Lidia Ionova. “Nuts are very high in calories, and it turns out that even if a person does not eat so much of them, he still “goes over” in calories.”

Judge for yourself: the energy value of nuts ranges from 600 to 700 kcal per 100 g, which, for example, is one third of the recommended daily allowance for an average woman.

However, their calorie content can be disposed of reasonably, says American nutritionist Pamela Mathis: “Nuts saturate quickly and for a long time, besides, they have few carbohydrates and a lot of fiber. Therefore, the blood sugar level remains stable and we do not experience a sharp bout of hunger later. The problem can only be in the portion: if nature supplied us with food, and not a supermarket, it would take a lot of time just to collect and clean a few nuts, and today machines do it for us. I would recommend eating no more than 20 nuts a day, and of different types.”

2. They are hard to digest

This is true – all because of the same high fat content. “This must be taken into account for those who suffer from chronic colitis, enzyme deficiency, gastritis and other gastrointestinal disorders, in which any food rich in fats is absorbed worse,” warns Lidia Ionova. “In addition, nuts (like legumes and cereals) contain inhibitors of proteases, enzymes that help digest proteins, that is, their digestion slows down.”

The enzyme inhibitor prevents nuts from sprouting – as long as they do not fall into moist soil. Inhibitors are deactivated in water. Therefore, it is recommended to soak the nuts – this will make them not only more digestible, but also tasty. It is best to soak the nuts overnight, optionally adding a little bit of sea salt to the water. In the morning, they should be washed and used immediately or stored in the refrigerator, but no more than three days.

3. It’s a source of protein and a meat alternative

Yes, but only in part: nuts contain about 15% protein. Trying to cover the need for protein with nuts would lead to about twice the calorie intake. In addition, the protein of nuts lacks lysine, an essential amino acid necessary for the functioning of our immune system. At least for this reason, they cannot be considered as a complete source of proteins.

4. They are rich in vitamins

That’s right, the nutritional value of nuts is really high. First of all, due to the high concentration of polyunsaturated omega fatty acids (up to 75%), and of very high quality, provided that the nuts are fresh.

They contain potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese and vitamins E, C, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B9 (folic acid) and vitamin PP (niacin) – the proportions depend on specific type of nuts.

For example, the brazil nut is a champion in selenium content, which has antioxidant properties and is often lacking in our diet. Walnut is the leader in the content of vitamin C (it contains more of it than in blackcurrant and rose hips), as well as omega-3 fatty acids. Almonds are superior to other nuts in terms of vitamin E, potassium and magnesium content.

5. Roasted nuts are easier to digest.

Indeed, heat treatment, like soaking, deactivates enzyme inhibitors. However, nutritionists still do not advise resorting to it – if you are sure of the freshness and quality of nuts.

First, polyunsaturated fatty acids are destroyed at high temperatures. Secondly, as a result of heating fats, chemical compounds with carcinogenic properties can be formed.

As for everyone’s favorite salted nuts, their frequent use leads to an excess of sodium and disrupts the sodium-potassium balance in the body. It is directly contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure. In addition, a violation of the salt balance causes water retention in the body. And sweet caramel, in which nuts are fried, increases the calorie content of the product by about one and a half to two times.

6. They often cause allergies

Rather true, although this belief is primarily due to the notoriety of peanuts, which, strictly speaking, do not apply to nuts. Indeed, these legumes, which have a nutty flavor, are among the five most powerful allergens in the world.

“The reason is not so much in the peanut itself, but in the special microorganisms that live on it,” explains Pamela Mathis. “This is a type of mold that is believed to be the source of aflatoxin, which leads to severe allergic reactions.”

As for the nuts themselves, an allergic reaction to them also occurs. “The allergen in such cases is usually protein,” says Lidia Ionova. – As a rule, the reaction occurs in people who are prone to this type of allergy – for example, to chicken meat or eggs. However, some nuts (for example, if stored improperly) may contain aflatoxins. Heat treatment neutralizes them.

Ayurveda says so

Nuts are useful to everyone who lives in megacities. The hustle and bustle of the environment and many disturbing factors often cause vata imbalance, and nuts have the ability to calm this dosha. However, for people with a kapha constitution (prone to fullness), it is better to exclude cashews, but more often use walnuts and pumpkin seeds.

7. They last a long time

Not quite so: many varieties of nuts keep well only under certain conditions. For example, sunlight is contraindicated for them: the oils contained in them are destroyed under its action (therefore, it is best to buy nuts in the shell and store them in an opaque container).

A bitter taste is a sign that the nuts have begun to spoil. In spoiled oils, toxic compounds are formed that cause gene mutations; they should not be eaten.

8. A handful of nuts replaces dessert.

Yes, but … News for those who are fond of low-calorie diets: 100 g of nuts contains one and a half to two times more calories than a piece of cake of the same weight! And almost five times more than popular low-calorie desserts.

“Of course, nuts are healthier,” says Lidia Ionova. “For all their calorie content, they have no “empty” calories, and fatty acids (regulating, in particular, blood cholesterol levels) are of very high quality.”

It is important to stop in time: nutritionists advise eating no more than 40 g of nuts per day, and for those who seek to bring their weight back to normal or are prone to allergies, it is better to stop at 20 g.

Special Properties

Nuts (like cereals, seeds) intrigue scientists with their highest life potential – after all, they contain a kind of complex system of complete life support for the future plant. And some of them have especially valuable properties.

Walnut called “food for the mind”: it contains a special type of lecithin, which is involved in the formation of acetylcholine, a mediator for the transmission of nerve impulses. When it enters the body in sufficient quantities, it allows the brain to process and assimilate information much faster. Scientists at the American Research Center at Tufts University (USA) found that even five to seven walnuts a day are enough to noticeably improve coordination and spatial memory.

Fistashki in a unique combination they contain antioxidants and polyunsaturated fats, which reduce the absorption of cholesterol from food and improve the elasticity of blood vessels. This combination of substances improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, pistachios will also help in the rehabilitation period after a heart attack. These nuts have been on the US Food and Drug Administration’s list of dietary recommendations since 2003.

Pine nut from the point of view of botany, it is not considered a nut (by the way, like the fruit of a coconut palm). Nevertheless, pine nuts contain dozens of times more vitamins than all the others, and twice as many minerals. “B vitamins play an important role in maintaining our emotional stability,” says American psychotherapist Miguel Rivera. – And vitamins E and C also slow down the development of Alzheimer’s disease, even when the pathological processes in the brain cells have already begun. Therefore, it is good to include pine nuts in a preventive diet.”

Almonds contains a number of substances that allow it to be used for medical purposes. The emulsion obtained from young almonds is used as an enveloping and analgesic remedy for stomach pain. Almond extract is used in the manufacture of anti-inflammatory eye and ear drops, and the nuts themselves are used to bake bread for diabetics.

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