Is education really necessary and is it a factor in human development?

Good day to all! I want to talk to you about the role of education in our lives, because absolutely everything in this world is changing every day, and so is the attitude to the educational system. The ability to search for information and deal with it productively comes to the fore, and not the very presence of a diploma. Therefore, today we will try to determine whether education is a factor in human development or is it a waste of time?

What inspired you to find the answer?

On this topic, I was inspired by examples of famous people who did not receive certificates and attestations. For example, Albert Einstein dropped out of school when he was 15 years old. Steve Jobs, whose story I told in the article (The Real Stories of People Who Succeeded with Hard Work and Perseverance), left college after the first semester, realizing that he was only wasting time there. And it became interesting to me whether every person, relying only on his aspirations and qualities of character, can achieve the same success. Or is it still important to learn something, to get a profession?

Types and features

Is education really necessary and is it a factor in human development?

According to the nature and scope of knowledge, education can be: primary, general, special, and, in the end, higher. But according to the content they are divided into natural science, humanitarian and social. Our modern society is developing very quickly, turning into an information type. Therefore, a developed and educated person in it is, first of all, a person who understands his place in this life, his destiny. She knows how to take responsibility for her life, providing everything necessary. Understands culture, politics, economics and other areas.

What gives us?


First of all, let’s consider the more material benefits of education, such a result and a result that you can touch and feel — a diploma, a certificate, a certificate, and so on. Our life is so arranged that a rare employer decides to accept an employee who has no education at all. Even as a janitor.

Even if someone is lucky, and he is satisfied “by acquaintance” — there must be a certificate or diploma corresponding to the position. And if you decide to open your own business, then for the initial capital you still need to earn extra money. Also, when looking for investors, it will be important for them to understand that you are well versed in the proposed idea and in general the declared area.

2. Basics

The main thing, and the first thing that training gives to every person, regardless of type and type, is the basis, the impetus for self-development, self-regulation and self-movement. For example, a child at school develops interest and desire to learn something new, discipline and self-control. In the process of obtaining a profession and just new knowledge, we develop, discover some talents in ourselves, acquire skills and abilities.

If the teacher manages to interest the pupil or student, this will be the basis for further independent searches for information and prioritization. It is it that then pushes a person to the desire to know the world around him, and subsequently himself in this world with the help of various methods of self-knowledge. Having learned to work with information, having developed self-discipline, a person is later able to independently master other professions without even attending higher educational institutions.


Is education really necessary and is it a factor in human development?

Thanks to the organization of the learning process, we socialize, communicate and find like-minded people. After all, every day you have to intersect with the same group of people who are completely different, and approaches to which are also different. This helps to establish closer, more intimate bonds. After all, you must admit that the majority of friends appeared precisely from school or student times. There are a huge number of cases when people were able to carry school love or friendship through their whole lives. As for socialization, we, communicating with different people, are sometimes forced to develop communication skills in ourselves. We learn to understand with whom we are comfortable, and with whom we would like to limit communication, and this is already a small piece in self-knowledge.

When I learn to distinguish between what I like and what I don’t, I will know what I am.

There is also “overgrowth of connections”, when you know who you can rely on and who to turn to, even when creating your own business.


Agree, if you, for example, do not know another language, it is unlikely that you will be invited for an internship abroad. Or, if you don’t know the basics of marketing, it will be very difficult for you to «sell» your resume or make a correct presentation of your idea to investors. This is an opportunity to live a better life.

A wide range of knowledge, together with acquired skills and connections, helps to meet your needs. It inspires you to achieve and move to a new level, to the next step in the pyramid of Abraham Maslow (you can read about this in the article “How, according to Maslow’s theory of the pyramid, human needs should be realized”).

5. Self-esteem

Helps to raise a person’s self-esteem, become more confident and gain recognition and respect. After all, you must admit that a person who has received only a certificate of school education will rarely feel such a level of self-worth and confidence as a person, for example, with two higher educations. Because, in addition to the fact that the acquired knowledge helps to navigate in the modern world, there is also the moment when there is pride in what I could, reached the end and achieved success and results. This gives status and a certain position in society.

6.Gives a sense of belonging to any process or community

For example, having qualified as an accountant, a person does not feel that he is alone in this world, but he belongs to a whole group of people with the same profession, whom he can call colleagues, seek support, advice or recommendations, or share moments of experience himself . Sometimes this sense of belonging is not realized by a person, but plays a significant role in his life.


Is education really necessary and is it a factor in human development?

This is an impetus to success, because a developed and conscious person understands the value of knowledge and does not want to stand still or stop there. Therefore, he has higher motivation and ability to overcome obstacles, due to the fact that he has a variety of information, is able to take into account in his activities not only his own experience, but also adopts someone else’s, his thinking is not limited and there is a high ability to get something new. He can adapt to changes and be creative in solving problems. In a word, do not chase someone, but live «on the wave.»


Thanks to education, our society is developing, new technologies are emerging that significantly facilitate the life of a modern person. For a very large amount of time people passed on knowledge to each other, shared their experience, and it would be a huge mistake to devalue what our ancestors had accumulated. The stories of people who have achieved global success without diplomas and certificates are very inspiring, but you must admit that not everyone has the innate ability to feel and anticipate the future needs of society. The economy is sometimes very unstable, and the lack of education, when there is only a great desire and self-confidence, can aggravate the situation.

9. Spirituality

There is also a development of the spiritual sphere of a person, because, as I already said in the article “Does a person need to develop spiritually and how to do it”, spirituality is manifested in a person’s desire to know himself and the surrounding reality, in becoming himself as a person, self-realization and understanding why I came into this world and how I can be useful to him.

10. Interesting personality

We may not notice all the benefits of the learning process, but the lack of it is felt immediately. After all, this is not just an acquired profession or a certificate received — these are books we have read, films reviewed, some facts, these are the ability to maintain a conversation with different people on various topics, this is the ability to write competently and be understandable … Every day we read something, we are looking for the right street, we are solving a crossword puzzle, we are trying to understand foreign words in a song in order to sing along, and so on. We become not just interesting conversationalists, but interesting personalities, whom we strive to be like and who are turned to for advice.

11. Increases interest in life

New knowledge and information can inspire life itself. A curious person who can get carried away, feels excitement and interest in the surrounding reality — is less prone to diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular system and, in general, is less prone to depression and any kind of addiction.

How does it affect work performance?

Is education really necessary and is it a factor in human development?

  • Salary level. If you have a master’s degree, you are more likely to get a decent salary compared to a regular school certificate. And even if you decide to change your profession and get a job, choosing a more paid specialty, having a diploma will be such an “entrance ticket” to a new field. That is, the need and opportunities will be equivalent when the desired is quite possible to implement in life.
  • This is such a kind of «social elevator», with the help of which it is possible to climb the career ladder. Since most companies require employees to prove their professionalism and qualifications. And the presence of an academic degree or diploma, together with effective performance results, will be the basis for moving up.
  • Opportunity to win the competition. Today, many large companies practice a competitive method when hiring. And at the initial stage, candidates with no higher education diploma may be rejected. In addition, according to statistics, there are fewer people with specialist or master’s documents in the labor market than people with secondary or technical ones. And this means that the competitive ability is higher than the rest, and a person with the highest will have more opportunities and chances.
  • Availability of jobs. You are more likely to get a job after university than after high school. There are many more open vacancies at the labor exchange in the employment center, as well as a greater likelihood of maintaining a job in case of employment.


If you have a desire to improve the level of education on your own, then I recommend reading the following article: «What is self-education and how to make an individual plan.»

That’s all, dear readers! Education actually plays a huge role in the life of every person, helps him to establish and define goals, principles, form a value system and develop his spirituality. And this is a continuous process that helps to form not just a person, but a person who is mature, conscious and worthy of respect.

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