Is cortical kidney cyst harmful to health?

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Are there any health risks associated with cortical kidney cysts? Could this be the beginning of more serious health problems? Could a cortical cyst on a kidney make it necessary to remove the entire kidney? The question is answered by the drug. Anna Mitschke.

What are the health risks of a kidney cortical cyst?

Hello and welcome. I have a question about my dad who was diagnosed with renal cortical cyst. The diagnosis was made two days ago, and the doctor’s only indication was another consultation. However, I am very scared of the situation, because it seems to me that a cortical cyst on the kidney is a serious disease and treatment should be started immediately. However, I assume that my thinking is wrong, so I would like to make sure whether a cortical kidney cyst is dangerous to your health? Could such a cortical cyst on the kidney lead to any more serious health problems?

And most importantly – is there a risk with a kidney cyst that your dad will have to have the kidney removed? I may panic a bit, but I have the impression that the problem was not taken seriously enough by the doctor. I think some should be recommended treatment of renal cortical cysts at dad’s, not just a re-consultation. I would like to add that the results show that the cortical cyst of the kidney in dad is located on the left kidney and has a diameter of 15 mm. I don’t know if it’s a lot or a little for a cortical kidney cyst, so I would like to ask for possible information on this.

The doctor indicates possible health risks associated with a cortical kidney cyst

A renal cortical cyst is a cyst that is located in the cortical layer of an organ. There are acquired cysts, those that are genetically determined or congenital kidney cysts. They can be located in the cortex or medullary kidney. Cysts that are located in the peripheral parts of an organ may be located partially outside the organ’s limits. Often single is found simple kidney cyststhat usually do not require treatment. It is a common condition that increases in frequency with age.

They are found in up to 30% of the population. A kidney cyst is a fluid-filled space within an organ. Most often they appear singly, but they can also be multiple cysts. Usually, they do not cause symptoms and are detected accidentally, e.g. during an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Larger cysts, those whose diameter exceeds 5 cm, may cause side pain, in the lumbar region, a feeling of fullness and pressure, or uncharacteristic gastrointestinal symptoms. A possible complication is infection of the cyst, hematuria. The diagnostic examination is an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. In doubtful cases, mainly to exclude cancer, additional imaging tests, such as computed tomography of the abdominal cavity or abdominal MRI, are ordered.

Simple kidney cysts that do not cause symptoms are only subject to further control, ultrasound is performed once a year. Larger cysts that cause a number of ailments, including pressure on adjacent organs, require consultation with a urology specialist who decides on further treatment. In the treatment of kidney cysts, the method of inserting a needle into the cyst and emptying its contents is used. Then a substance (often 95% ethanol) is injected that causes the cyst to grow back. We call this procedure cyst sclerotization. Unfortunately, the cysts may regenerate after the procedure. In case of indications, surgical removal of the cyst is performed, e.g. by laparoscopy.

— Lek. Anna Mitchke

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