Is coaching the profession of the future?

Today, self-realization has become the measure of success. Career and material goods are worth little if they do not bring inner satisfaction. That is why one of the most popular professions of the XNUMXst century is coaching. The specialist helps the client to achieve the desired changes and accompanies him along the way. Psychologist Evgenia Nemkova tells who to learn coaching and what advantages it will bring.

Why are coaches needed?

The current generation lives in an environment of constant change. New technologies are being created, the pace of life is accelerating, the world is changing, and it is not easy to adapt to it. Our grandparents worked hard without thinking about life, mothers and fathers were educated and worked in one place for 30-40 years. We are different.

It has become the norm every 3-5 years to change jobs and try yourself in various specialties. Why? The tasks that were set for previous generations are different from those that we face:

  • grandparents worked hard to provide children with the most necessary things: food, shelter, education;
  • parents worked from morning to night to build a bridge to a new life. Education alone was enough for them to succeed in a narrow field;
  • the task of our generation is self-realization and adaptation, we improve ourselves, adapting to constant changes, we are faced with the fact that we don’t know how to do something, therefore we learn new things.

Those who are in search of meaning need guides who can take the shortest route to the necessary knowledge. This is done by coaches, so the specialty is becoming more and more in demand and relevant.

Goals and directions of coaching

Whatever area of ​​study we take (fitness, foreign languages, oratory), it is impossible to achieve high results by studying the basics alone. It would seem that everything is simple: take it and do it. However, despite the huge amount of theoretical material, most do not achieve the desired result. The reason is not only in the specific knowledge or qualifications of the teacher, but also in the resistance of the client. He cannot start acting in a new way due to deep psychological blocks. Therefore, each coach or teacher must improve not only professional skills, but also the psychological component of working with people.

If you lead a client along the path to a skill, while simultaneously removing his internal blocks and barriers, the work will become more efficient, your value as a specialist will increase, which means that the cost of services will rise.

Main areas:

  • life coaching;
  • success coaching;
  • motivational and career;
  • business coaching;
  • relationship coaching;
  • parent coaching;
  • executive coaching;
  • sales coaching;
  • leadership coaching.

Coaching is gaining particular popularity at the intersection of different professions and niches. If you have a major specialty, it will provide an opportunity to increase income by bringing clients to the result.

Who needs to learn this?

Anyone who works with people. These are HR specialists, trainers, psychologists, representatives of the beauty and wellness industry, marketers, and sellers. Here are some examples:

  1. If you sell services, add coaching support to them. It will be paid in a complex way and will consist of video recordings, additional working materials and actual sessions.
  2. If you have a degree in psychology but no work experience, this is the way to enter the profession. You will enrich psychological knowledge with effective techniques. This will allow you to start practical activities and determine the niche of work.
  3. If you do not have a psychological education, but you want to help people achieve their goals, coaching will allow you to find an area for the realization of your aspirations.
  4. You can use it as a tool for solving personal problems. With its help, it is easier to achieve what you want, build relationships and help loved ones in difficult situations.

How to find clients?

The main ways to promote the brand:

  • social network;
  • offline advertising.

Online space

For quick promotion on the Internet, Instagram is best suited. You can start promoting yourself even if you haven’t mastered coaching. Create a page, tell about yourself. Cover the stages of learning, explain what prompted you to change your profession or learn new skills.

To find clients you need:

  • publish useful posts at least 3-4 times a week;
  • talk with subscribers about what they are interested in;
  • 2-3 times a month to conduct live broadcasts;
  • come up with interactive games, quizzes, lotteries.

This is the work that is necessary to gain the trust and loyalty of the audience. Once you have established a reputation for yourself, you can invite readers to free consultations, where you will diagnose, help solve a specific request and offer your services.

Offline space

In parallel with social networks, create your image offline. Send requests to the media and on the radio, attend thematic meetings, hold free speeches, master classes and consultations.

Be prepared that the result will not come instantly. Fantasies can contrast with reality, you need not be disappointed, do not give up. Systematic daily efforts will lead to success, this may not happen in a month, but in a year. Then the growth in the number of customers and income will be a reward for work.

About the Developer

Evgenia Nemkova, psychologist. Her Instagram.

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