Is chocolate really good for my child?

What are the benefits of chocolate for children?

Chocolate is far from being your enemy, nor that of your child! This has a good nutritional value and indisputable energy properties. Chocolate also has a large amount of pholyphénols, which are renowned for their properties antioxidant. It is also known to help us fight against stress, anxiety and fatigue!

How old to eat chocolate? Cocoa cereals from 6 months for infants

Chocolate powder is a sweet preparation, flavored with cocoa, very digestible, because powdered chocolate does not have the fatty constituents of bar chocolate. It is the most consumed by children up to the age of 7 years. From 6 months, you can add cocoa cereals in his baby bottles 2nd age milk to bring them another flavor. At around 12-15 months, hot chocolate in the morning can become a great habit for children to keep drinking milk.

At what age should baby be given chocolate? Chocolate bar after 2 years

It is a mixture of cocoa butter, sugar and cocoa (with a content that varies from 40 to 80%). Cocoa has interesting virtues and provides minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins PP, B2, B9… and a little fiber, but also a ‘doping’ substance called theobromine. This exerts a stimulating action on the central nervous system. Chocolate bars contain saturated fats, which are not always well digested by babies. It is best not to give it to her until she is two years old. Do not hesitate to give it to him to taste it because bread with chocolate provides children with the little energy boost they need. But you can also grate it.

Hot chocolate: “Baking” chocolate desserts from 2 years old

This is usually bitter chocolate or chocolate with a high cocoa content, to be melted for flavor. It allows the realization of many desserts or birthday cakes. But beware, the baking chocolate remains high in fat and not very digestible for toddlers. Between 2 and 3 years old, start with mousses, and also with fondues. Just dip fruit quarters (clementines, apples, bananas, pineapples) in the melted chocolate. It’s fun and the kids love it. After 3 years, they can enjoy all kinds of cakes, tarts or chocolate mendiants with dried fruits.

White, dark, milk: what are the different types of chocolate?

Dark chocolate: it contains cocoa, at least 35%, cocoa butter and sugar. It is the richest in nutrients.

Milk chocolate: it consists of 25% cocoa (minimum), milk, butter, sugar and cocoa butter. Calcium is in a higher proportion in milk chocolate, but it contains less magnesium than dark chocolate.

White chocolate: it bears its name badly since it does not contain cocoa paste. It consists of cocoa butter, milk, flavors and sugar. It is very rich in saturated fatty acids. It is the most caloric.

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