Is cabbage possible for pregnant women: benefits and harms

White cabbage during pregnancy is a very controversial product. On the one hand, it contains vitamins, minerals and fiber important for the expectant mother, and on the other hand, it causes discomfort from the digestive organs. Also, women during pregnancy should consider the form in which they prefer to use this product.

Is it possible for pregnant women white cabbage

Is cabbage possible for pregnant women: benefits and harms

White cabbage is a unique product in composition – it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals

With the onset of pregnancy, a lot of things change in a woman’s life, especially taste preferences. Some give up their usual food and switch to food that they have never eaten before. The most responsible future mothers often force themselves to eat foods that contain more nutrients for the benefit of the baby.

But not all vegetables and fruits are equally useful for a pregnant woman and a fetus. The body of each person is individual. Everyone reacts differently to the same food. It is important to understand that all good things should be in moderation, especially during pregnancy. During this period, you need to carefully listen to your needs and manifestations of the body.

Often, pregnant women have questions about white cabbage. They do not know whether it is possible to use it, and in what form it is most useful. It should be noted that this vegetable contains many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on some organs that experience an increased load during pregnancy. Nutritionists approve the use of this product, because it is dietary.

Comment! Cabbage is of particular value for those who seek to monitor their weight.

Cabbage during early pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the laying of all important organs and systems in the body of the fetus occurs. During this period, you need to monitor nutrition especially closely. White cabbage contains substances that the fetus needs precisely during formation. These substances include iron, folic acid, vitamin C. These components are also necessary for the expectant mother. They will prevent anemia and help strengthen the immune system. Often obstetrician-gynecologists recommend introducing sauerkraut into the diet. It has the most vitamins.

Important! Experts do not recommend eating more than 200 g of cabbage per day. Overeating can cause bloating.

Cabbage during late pregnancy

Is cabbage possible for pregnant women: benefits and harms

The product goes well with cereals, meat, chicken

At a later date, it is better to abandon pickled and sauerkraut, as the salt contained in it contributes to the formation of edema. The child in the womb continues to grow and develop, with its mass it presses on the kidneys, which contributes to some swelling. The fruit still needs vitamins and minerals, and cabbage has a lot of potassium, which removes excess fluid, so you can not refuse it completely. You need to switch to stewed or raw cabbage in salads, so it will bring more benefits during pregnancy. However, it is not recommended to salt the dishes excessively.

What is useful white cabbage for pregnant women

The product is the most affordable and in demand in the winter. It is essential in the diet of pregnant women. The benefit is as follows:

  • regulation of metabolic processes;
  • analgesic effect;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • excretion of cholesterol and bile;
  • increase in the general tone of the body;
  • strengthening of the vascular walls.

In addition, they note its positive effect on digestion. Useful properties are due to the vitamins C, E, D, B, K included in the composition, as well as the minerals potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, molybdenum.

Attention! During heat treatment, some of the vitamins and minerals are lost, but most are preserved and make the product necessary for the body of a pregnant woman.
white cabbage benefits for the body beneficial properties of white cabbage

What is harmful white cabbage for pregnant women

Cabbage can harm the body of a pregnant woman only in case of any pathology from the gastrointestinal tract. Especially if you use it in unlimited quantities. This can lead to exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract, bloating, diarrhea.

Contraindications to white cabbage during pregnancy

The use should be abandoned in such cases:

  • spasms in the stomach and intestines;
  • individual intolerance to the components included in the composition;
  • predisposition to gas formation;
  • peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • constipation;
  • pathology in the thyroid gland.

It is worth limiting the use of pickled and pickled vegetables to those who have edema, and replace fresh with stew for gastritis and pancreatitis.

How to cook cabbage during pregnancy

Is cabbage possible for pregnant women: benefits and harms

The vegetable has a lot of fiber, which is important for a pregnant woman.

It is often used in pickled, stewed, fresh form. Sauerkraut during pregnancy helps to get rid of a headache, to cope with toxicosis. In the first half of gestation, it can be added to your diet in order to make up for the lack of salt, minerals, vitamins, and fiber. Nutritionists recommend adding a portion of carrots, fresh herbs, sunflower oil to the dish. Be sure to follow the norm so as not to cause bloating of the intestines.

Stewed white cabbage is perfectly digested in the stomach and intestines, it is a dietary dish. Proper nutrition experts advise adding onions, beans, potatoes to cabbage, which will increase the beneficial qualities of the product. Many women stew some other varieties of this vegetable along with white cabbage. The resulting mix diversifies the diet and enriches it with protein.

A variety of salads are prepared from fresh white cabbage during pregnancy. There are much more useful substances in a fresh vegetable, they are well absorbed by the body, however, such salads cannot be an independent dish, because they will not saturate the body. Nutritionists pay attention to the fact that you should not use the stalk – it has the highest concentration of nitrates.

Useful Tips

Is cabbage possible for pregnant women: benefits and harms

There is a lot of ascorbic acid in a pickled or pickled vegetable

A vegetable must be chosen correctly on the market, guided by the following tips:

  • the color should be light green;
  • the head of cabbage is dense, tight, without deformations;
  • leaves at the base should not be too thick – this indicates a glut of nitrates;
  • the appearance of the vegetable without dark spots, cracks.

If a vegetable grows on a plot, you should know that the shelf life of cabbage depends on the variety. The average period is about 4 months, subject to proper storage in the basement or cellar. In this case, the vegetable is wrapped in paper and placed on a shelf or in boxes.

Cabbage can and should be combined with other vegetables, meat, chicken, cereals, potatoes, cheese. Therefore, many healthy and tasty dishes are prepared from it.


White cabbage during pregnancy is an indispensable product, since it contains many essential vitamins, macro and microelements, fiber, and at the same time a minimum of calories. It is important to listen to the body and its reaction to the introduction of new foods into the diet. Nutritionists do not recommend uncontrolled consumption of vegetables.

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