Is breast cancer hereditary?

Is breast cancer hereditary?

I am 42 years old, my aunt and grandmother died of breast cancer, can I also have cancer and how often should I be tested? ~ Anna

Breast cancer is considered to be the most common malignant neoplasm of women in Poland.

Among the risk factors for developing this cancer are, among others, family history of breast cancer in family members, especially at an earlier age, as well as the carrier of gene mutations predisposing to the development of this cancer (most often BRCA1). With a particularly high risk of developing genetically determined breast cancer, it is advisable to carry out genetic tests for the carrier of the BRCA1 gene mutation. This risk occurs in the case of a history of numerous first and second degree relatives of breast and / or ovarian cancer, the presence of bilateral breast cancer, one person’s case of breast and ovarian cancer, and the first degree of breast cancer before 40 years of age.

Whether you need a genetic test will be determined by your gynecologist based on a detailed interview.

The best method of early detection of breast cancer is mammography, performed in asymptomatic women from the age of 40. Each doctor can issue a referral for examination.

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