Even though I’m not the biggest football and beer fan, I happened to watch a match a few times during the World Cup while sipping a golden drink. When preparing for such an evening, I usually try to buy a drink that not only tastes good to me, but is also the healthiest possible. It is for this reason, and also encouraged by advertisements, that I have been buying unpasteurized beer for some time. Until now, I have associated this kind of beer with a short shelf life, and hence my great surprise when it turned out that it can remain in my refrigerator until mid-October. Which beer should I choose? Which beer is the healthiest? What is the difference between pasteurized and unpasteurized beer? Which beer is unfiltered?
Mentos – caloric refreshment
ONE Nimm2 candy equals TWO sugar cubes!
In the article below you will find out, among others:
- What does unpasteurized beer mean?
- What does unfiltered beer mean?
- Which beer should you choose?
- Which beer is the healthiest?
Oczywiście you can say that these less than four months is not that long. But normal (pasteurized) beer bought on the same day had a deadline use-by date in the second half of November. Difference in use by date between pasteurized beer and unpasteurized, it was therefore just over a month to the disadvantage of the former.
What does unpasteurized beer mean?
What is beer for pasteurization?
Beer pasteurization is aimed at his sterilization – killing all microorganisms. This process is about podgrzewaniu piwa do temperatury wynoszącej mniej więcej 70 stopni Celsjusza for about 2 minutes. Thanks to this, it is possible to extend the shelf life up to several months. Beer that has not undergone pasteurization has this date definitely shorter. Usually it is only a few weeks. So what miraculously, the unpasteurized beer I bought had an expiry date spożycia wynoszący prawie cztery miesiące?
What does unfiltered beer mean?
Deadly filtration
Willing to find out the answer to this question, I consulted Mr. Andrzej Olkowski from Browaru Kormoran – człowiekiem, który o piwach wie chyba wszystko.
Unpasteurized beer with a very long shelf life is nothing more than colored water mixed with alcohol
Długi termin przydatności do spożycia tych piw wynika ze sposobu ich filtrowania. Przechodzą one proces tak zwanej mikrofiltracji. W during this time, all the microorganisms that could contribute are removed from the beer to spoil it. Even the smallest particles are filtered out, also those that affect the flavor of the beer. As a result, such beer has worse value smakowe niż zwykłe piwo pasteryzowane. W czasie mikrofiltracji usuwane są również składniki mineralne oraz witaminy. Skutkuje to tym, iż piwo niepasteryzowane o bardzo długim terminie do spożycia nie jest niczym więcej niż zabarwioną wodą z domieszką alkoholu. Warto remember that beer Unpasteurized that has a shelf life of more than six weeks is not really unpasteurized beer anymore. It is there too perpetuated, only in a different way.
Which beer to choose?
If at when choosing a beer, we are guided primarily by its health properties and taste values, you should pay attention to unpasteurized beer o short shelf life. How short? Certainly not longer than six weeks, with the best beers for unpasteurized products, their use-by date is four weeks. Such beers are, among others, from the Kormoran Brewery “Fresh unpasteurized “,” Wyborne unfixed “from the Ciechan Brewery and” Red Aipa “from the Haust Microbrewery. It’s also worth it get interested in the specialist, Mr. Andrzej, recommended by our specialist Olkowski, beer “Kormoran Jasny Niefiltrowany”. Even though it is beer pasteryzowane, to nie przechodzi ono procesu filtracji, co niezwykle pozytywnie affects its health properties and taste. So remember to the next time you buy unpasteurized beer, check it for real it is as fresh and healthy as its manufacturer promises reklamach.
Do you have proven beers? Do you prefer beer or wine?
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Damian Yefremienko Coach
Master of physical education with a training specialty, graduate of postgraduate studies in dietetics and nutritional counseling at the Medical University in Poznań, doctoral student at the Department of Sport Theory of the University of Physical Education in Poznań, physical recreation instructor specializing in strength exercises, would-be physiotherapist. scientific. He hates mediocrity and cursory problem solving. Personalization and a holistic approach to the patient are “obvious obvious” for him. She loves to share her knowledge and is eager to expand it. He is most interested in all issues related to the physiology of exercise. Passionate about mountain tourism and new technologies
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