Is avocado healthy? What kind of vitamins in avocados? |

Avocado is a valued and well-known fruit. We use it as starters and side dishes for main meals. It lowers cholesterol, has anti-cancer properties, and supports eyesight. But do we know everything about him already? What kind of vitamins in avocados? Can you eat avocados while on a diet? Can you eat avocados with cholesterol?

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In this article you will learn, among others:


  • What is the effect of avocados on cholesterol?
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  • What kind of vitamins in avocados?
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  • Who can’t eat avocados?
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  • Is avocado good for weight loss?
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What is the effect of avocados on cholesterol?



The first clinical trial discovering the benefits of avocados showed that consuming 0,5-1,5 avocados per day can help maintain normal blood total cholesterol levels in men (Grant, 1960). A reduction in total cholesterol levels was observed in half of the respondents. It also found that none of the subjects gained weight by introducing avocados without changing their previous habits.



What kind of vitamins in avocados?id=»h21″>


According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) analysis, the average consumption is half of an avocado (68 g). This amount gives us: dietary fiber (4,6 g), carbohydrates (0,2 g), potassium (345 mg), magnesium (19,5 mg), vitamin A (43 g), vitamin C (6 mg), vitamin E (1,3 mg), vitamin K (14 mg), folic acid (60 mg), vitamin B 6 (0,2 mg), niacin (1,3 mg), pantothenic acid (1 mg), riboflavin ( 0,1 mg), choline (10 mg), lutein / zeaxanthin (185 µg), phytosterols (57 mg). Avocado oil contains 71 percent. unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), 13 percent polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and 16% saturated fatty acids.



Avocado in nature is a bushy medium-sized tree. It comes from tropical regions of America.


Who can’t eat avocados?


In the literature, allergy to avocados is described in the context of allergy to latex. Anaphylaxis due to the avocado itself is rare.


Is avocado good for weight loss?


Studies have shown that the addition of avocados to a meal significantly increases the feeling of fullness. Subjects were divided into groups, each consuming a standardized breakfast with or without varying amounts of avocado. It turned out that in the case of the highest addition of fruit (half of the meal), the longest was satiety – from 3 to 5 hours after the meal.


Photo comes from: SweetOnVegid = »h21 ″> / Foterid =» h21 ″> / CC BYid = »h21 ″>


The photo from the text comes from: emdotid = »h21 ″> / Foterid =» h21 ″> / CC BYid = »h21 ″>


Do you like avocados? What form do you serve the avocado in? Share with us in the comments!


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