It is enough for one pedestrian to cross the road on red, as another couple will follow him. People choose restaurants, movies, shops, cars, sports clubs because they were advised or they peeped them from friends. Why do we copy the behavior of others?
The #10yearchallenge swept social media: post your photo now and ten years ago. This universal movement resembles a snowball: the more, the higher the speed. The more participants, the faster the flash mob spreads. What makes us copy the behavior of others? What is the invisible force that draws people to the queue at the store and why do we empathize with strangers, movie characters, stray cats and dogs?
Mirror neurons
In 1992, the Italian neuroscientist Giacomo Risolatti made a sensational discovery of mirror neurons for mankind. These are nerve cells that come into a state of excitation both from performing an action and from observing this action. They encourage the repetition of the actions of other people. In the scientific world, there are disputes over the evidence of the operation of this system, if we imagine that this is an indisputable fact, then many motives for our behavior become clear.
Nature laws
The biggest reason for copying behavior is training. A child, barely born, is not yet able to realize the intricacies of the rules of being in society. He learns everything by copying the behavior of others: pronounce words, use a spoon, dress. This method of learning allows, bypassing the understanding of the reasons, to master skills. This ability to borrow the experience of generations allows you to integrate into any stage of evolution on an equal footing. We are instinctively programmed to imitate in order to suddenly keep up with life.
herd instinct
Another reason for copying lies in the instinct of self-preservation. It is easier to survive in a crowd, in nature it is so arranged to preserve the species: if one senses danger, the whole flock, without agreeing, flees. Because it is known that if you do not have time, the consequences can be disastrous. Be like everyone is safe.
If among the people gathered at the red light of a traffic light, one gives signs of movement, the brains of other pedestrians will send an impulse to the muscles to contract, and people will involuntarily take a step. Only then will there be an own assessment of what is happening. You can, of course, not obey this reflex and restrain yourself, such as not yawning in response to a yawn you see, but this will require effort.
Neuromarketing Secret
In marketing, they often use the “mirror” feature of our behavior. Word of mouth is the best way to spread information. Most often, we go where we were advised and take what was recommended. Hence the advertising slogan: “people’s choice”, “bestseller” or “professionals advise”. It gives a signal about the need to purchase the designated product. So does the advice of a person whose choice we trust. World famous people always have imitators who will choose the shampoo, toothpaste or clothing brand that the idol prefers.
And what interest are the queues. It is always curious to come up to see why people have gathered. The contagious action of mirror neurons pushes to buy. Marketers, knowing this, deliberately create pandemonium and excitement, making discounts on certain days, hours, advertise that “the quantity of goods is limited.”
The tendency to empathy – the ability to try on the feelings of others, can have different manifestations. We can cry for company and laugh. To empathize not only with people and animals, but also with imaginary heroes of films and books. The body reacts with the release of neurotransmitters and hormones even to dreams, fantasies, memories and planning. Mirror neuron action is a tool that must be understood and consciously used. You can store in your memory resource states instead of depressing ones, surround yourself with what motivates, gives strength, and develops.
Watching sports is also a sport
The good news is that when watching sports exercises, the body reflects, activating the muscle groups necessary to perform the observed exercise, this not only motivates you to move, but also improves your own performance. Therefore, watching sports channels is not a waste of time. This technique can also work in rehabilitation therapy. In order to get back to normal faster, it is better to look at healthy, active, cheerful people.
Any example is contagious. We can influence the quality and feel of life by a sensible approach to the choice of incoming information. Watching movies and TV shows, reading books and articles, communicating with people is not just a pastime, but life guidelines that determine the future.
About the Developer
Tatyana Karkhanova – a specialist in the field of healing methods, reflexology. Her