It is difficult to talk about veganism only in the context of the diet itself. In fact, it is a lifestyle in which, naturally, apart from excluding meat and animal products from the menu, we also pay special attention to the selected cosmetics and clothes. Vegans avoid leather, fur, wool or silk, and vegan cosmetics do not contain hyaluronic acid, collagen, royal jelly and honey.
Many users ask us to include a vegan diet in our offer. The vegetable menu, however, is not the easiest one, it can be very varied depending on individual needs, and requires proper preparation and knowledge – as, of course, we are constantly working intensively on a solution that will meet your expectations 😉
Why is the vegan diet becoming more and more popular?
From year to year, more and more people consciously decide to switch to a plant-based diet, and thus the number of vegans is also growing. The reasons for such decisions can be really different, but the main ones can certainly include such considerations as:
- ideological and ideological,
- health,
- ecological,
- spiritual and religious,
- economic,
- social,
- ethical.
While even a few dozen years ago, when switching to a plant-based diet, especially in Poland, we would have to face countless adversities, the situation on the market of vegan products, semi-finished products and ready meals is changing dynamically now. Even in a nearby supermarket, on the shelves we can more and more often find soy meats and pates, vegetable pastes, vegetable milk, several variants of tofu, cutlets and even cheese.
In addition, the number of pubs and restaurants with interesting, plant-based menu options, tempting not only vegans, is also constantly growing. It is also no coincidence that with the growing popularity of veganism, there are more and more publications, books, blogs, recipe portals, social media channels, and even applications for phones (here, a very interesting one called Daily Dozen, which helps to control supplementation) .
A modern vegan is certainly not left to itself, but … well, because certain slogans in the context of a plant-based diet are repeated quite regularly – what are the risks and contraindications, and what are the benefits?
The dangers of a vegan diet
We will start with threats, or rather one, but we do not intend to scare anyone. When taking the first steps on not fully recognized ground, you should be well prepared and the same is the case with a plant-based diet. The greatest threat for beginners is certainly incorrect supplementation or its complete absence.
And what exactly may be missing from a vegetable menu?
Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to weakness, fatigue and mood disorders. Insufficient amounts of vitamin D, in turn, result in weakened immunity, bone pain and their greater susceptibility to fractures, and in the long term, even the risk of depression.
Iodine deficiency can disrupt thyroid function, and zinc deficiency is associated with hair loss and deteriorated metabolism. It is also worth remembering about the Omega 3 acid, which has an impact on the proper functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
Therefore, the greatest risk is incorrect supplementation resulting from the initial ignorance, which unfortunately works both ways – we should not exaggerate with some macro and microelements!
Important! |
Supplementation should be selected on the basis of blood tests and after consulting a doctor. It is worth repeating the tests on a regular basis. |
Contraindications on a plant-based diet
First of all, you should not measure them all with one measure – one person on a vegan diet may feel great, for the health of another, such a menu may turn out to be a serious threat. Many factors may be responsible for such disproportions, from genetics, general health, through metabolism, food tolerance, even to the climatic zone in which we live.
As mentioned above, a plant-based diet, especially at the very beginning, will require preparation, more time, commitment, and moderately good health. Especially the last point is very important because a vegan diet is not recommended for people suffering from, among others:
- anemia,
- thyroid disease,
- hormonal disorders,
- tumors,
- diseases of the intestines and digestive system,
- osteoporosis,
- vitamin deficiencies.
If you suspect any of the above ailments, consult a doctor before changing your eating style. Even healthy people who plan to switch to a plant-based diet should visit a dietitian and work out their individual plan with him.
Interestingly, the popularity of the plant-based diet is also growing among athletes. It is difficult because when practicing sports, especially on a professional level, the demand for protein, necessary for the regeneration of the body, increases. Such a diet is perfectly balanced, but it will require a lot of knowledge and knowledge of plant aminograms and special attention to compliance with energy recommendations.
Benefits of introducing a vegan diet
However, let’s not forget about the benefits of excluding meat and animal products, and we can find quite a lot of these. It’s no secret that vegans have a statistically lower BMI. In addition, a plant-based diet has a positive effect on our circulatory and circulatory systems, reducing the risk of heart disease or lowering blood pressure.
Vegan diets can also help to regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels more easily, while reducing the risk of type B diabetes. Vegans have also been shown to have lower rates of cancer such as breast and colorectal cancer. The object of research is still the positive effect of a plant-based diet on reducing joint pain and supporting kidney function.
So a plant-based diet is healthy or not?
Answering the title question … yes 🙂 A vegan diet will be a good solution for our health, and as we mentioned – it will also require proper preparation and learning, and above all supplementation! In addition to research and consultation with a doctor and nutritionist, it is worth getting valuable literature, visiting widely read blogs, asking vegan friends and checking local stores for their vegetable offer.
In the comments, please let us know if you are interested in trying such a diet, what are you afraid of and, if you already use a plant-based diet, what else is worth paying attention to. Finally, we have some tasty, vegan recipes from our users for you.
Indian bean stew from Anka19799
Chickpeas 200 g
Beautiful Hansel beans 200 g
Red kidney beans can 300 g
Onions 110 g (1 medium)
Garlic 21 g (3 cloves)
Young potatoes 500 g (10 small with shell)
Aqua mineral water 500 g (2 glasses)
For 50 g
Carrots 100 g (1 medium)
Garam Masala 5 g
Kumin 3 g (1 teaspoon)
Hot pepper powder 13 g (1 flat spoon)
Olive oil 5 g (1 teaspoon)
1. Chop the onion finely with the garlic and brown it at the bottom of the pot, barely greased with a teaspoon of olive oil.
2. Add finely chopped vegetables and spices (apart from those mentioned, you can add Tandoori Masala and Curry), mix thoroughly, fry for 2 minutes, then add water. Add new potatoes, washed and cut into pieces, and cook until soft.
3. Add drained beans (you can use soaked and pre-cooked beans, you can also use other species such as: brown chickpeas, lentils of all colors, mature shelled broad beans, etc.).
4. Season with ground black pepper and salt to taste, garnish with chopped coriander.
5. Serve with rice, bulgur, quinoa or loose millet, or in the form of a soup.
Cold vegan gluten-free cheesecake from Taluuu
Cake base:
Almonds 100 g
Dried dates 150 g
Cocoa natural 20 g
Dough mass:
Cashew nuts 300 g
Dried dates 150 g
Coconut oil 150 g
Agave syrup 60 g (4 tablespoons)
Orange juice 150 g
Orange peel – candied 40 g (2 heaped spoons)
1. Pour water over cashews and leave them overnight. Soak the almonds separately. Drain almonds, grind and blend in a blender with dates and cocoa.
2. Using the mass, plaster the bottom of the 18 cm springform pan. Knead well. Put in the freezer or refrigerator.
3. Rinse cashews, drain and mix in a blender with all the rest of the ingredients.
4. I decided to add orange juice, because soggy cashews are completely bland, and the slight acidification, although it slightly imitated the taste of real cottage cheese.
5. Put the mass on the bottom and put the finished “cheesecake” in the fridge for a few hours. It can be served with seasonal fruit or thawed fruit mousse.
Vegan soy milk mayonnaise *
Soy milk * natural 225 g (1 cup)
Apple cider vinegar 7 g (1,5 teaspoons)
Mustard 12 g (2 level teaspoons)
Universal rapeseed oil 125 g
* a blender / food processor will be required to prepare the mayonnaise
** soy milk cannot be replaced with other vegetable milk
In this recipe, I recommend using commercial milk, e.g. unsweetened Alpro. Homemade soy milk is separated. Add vinegar to the milk and mix for 2-3 minutes, until the milk starts to foam slightly. Add mustard, salt and pepper. We mix everything for a few minutes. Gradually, very slowly add the oil (mixing all the time), when the consistency is sufficiently dense, mix for about 2 minutes. Put the mayonnaise into an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator, where it will thicken.