Is a self-made disinfectant really a good idea?
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Frequent hand washing, and during a pandemic also disinfecting them, is undoubtedly the basic measure limiting the spread of microorganisms, including the coronavirus. However, it is very important to choose the right antiseptic preparation. Find out what the use of the wrong hand sanitizer can cause and why it is still so important.

Hand disinfection is one of the basic protective measures against harmful microorganisms, also against the coronavirus. Imagine a situation like this: we leave the apartment, touch the door handle in the stairwell, the elevator button, the door to the building and leave. Then we go to the public transport stop, but on the way we stop by a shop. When choosing articles, we select them, translate them, and finally we go to the cash register, where we pay in cash, by card or pick up the phone.

Then, when leaving the store, take off the mask, touch the door handle again, approach the tram / bus, press the button, and put on the mask when getting in. Is putting on the mask sufficient protection at this point, especially when we do it with hands that may already have the virus? This example shows why hand disinfection is important.

Hygienic habits of Poles during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

Already in the first days of the coronavirus pandemic in Poland, there was a shortage of soaps and disinfectants on store shelves. These preparations were bought on a mass scale not only by professional users, but also by individual customers, which led to significant shortages on the market. According to Nielsen data, at the end of March 2020, sales of antibacterial gels increased by 2000 percent. per year.

In this situation, Poles began to prepare disinfectants on their own. No wonder – the fear of the unknown threat, which is the coronavirus, has affected everyone to a greater or lesser extent, and everyone wanted to be properly prepared. Faced with the shortage of professional antiseptics in the first weeks of the pandemic, there was no alternative, but homemade disinfectants can unfortunately do more harm than good.

Food spirit, vodka or even hydrogen peroxide are used to prepare household disinfectants. However, such products are not as effective and safe as high-quality preparations developed by scientists. Long-term use of self-prepared solutions with too low or too high concentration can permanently damage the skin of the hands. Alcohol affects the skin’s hydro-lipid layer, and its damage may lead to the development of skin diseases and other unpleasant skin problems.

Preparations for disinfection and skin problems

The coronavirus pandemic is not good for the skin of our hands. The survey conducted by NAOS shows that 93 percent. Poles admit that they sometimes disinfect their hands, and 10 million Poles declare that they carry a hand disinfectant on a daily basis, most often in the form of a gel in a tube or a liquid in a spray bottle.

Frequent disinfection with strong preparations, sometimes of questionable quality, and frequent washing of hands lead to damage to the skin’s hydrolipid coat, destroy the epidermal barrier and cause irritation. Moreover, excessive use of such agents promotes skin aging, breakouts, allergic and pseudoallergic reactions. Skin that is regularly disinfected with alcohol-based preparations quickly becomes dry and tight. So irritated, it is much more susceptible to infection, and harmful microorganisms can more easily penetrate the body through it. Frequent hand washing and the use of disinfectants also significantly worsen the condition of the skin in people suffering from psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.

According to the NAOS survey, as many as three-quarters of Poles believe that in the last year they experienced skin problems caused by frequent disinfection. The scale of the problem is therefore huge. So the question is, what preparation to choose to be effective and at the same time protect the delicate skin of the hands?

Hand hygiene in the new reality – how to care for the skin in the era of coronavirus

As recommended by dermatologists (and WHO), the basis of hand hygiene should be washing them with water using soap, preferably hypoallergenic, with a pH of 5.5, without fragrances and antibacterial substances. In order to be effective, the disinfectants used should contain at least 60 percent. ethyl alcohol, but not more than 80 percent, because contrary to appearances, such a product will be less effective. It is also important to use emollients, humectants and other moisturizers frequently to protect the hydro-lipid coat and prevent skin dryness and irritation.

When choosing a hand sanitizer, it is worth paying attention to whether the product meets certain safety standards and whether it has been dermatologically tested. Pursuant to the ordinance of the Minister of Health, disinfectants are classified as potentially hazardous medicinal products and are subject to appropriate legal regulations. An effective disinfectant product that destroys viruses and other microorganisms is a biocidal product that must meet a number of criteria and be thoroughly tested.

One of the hand disinfection products that deserves special attention is Biphase Lipo alcoolique by Bioderma. It is an innovative, holistic preparation with a double effect – it effectively disinfects and cares for your hands. Thanks to the content of 74,5 percent. alcohol has virucidal, bactericidal and yeasticidal effects, and 10% shea oil and squalane contained in the lipid phase complement the lipid layer of the skin, while nurturing and smoothing it. Research shows that Biphase Lipo alcoolique destroys 30 percent in just 99,9 seconds. viruses, bacteria and yeast. Biphase Lipo alcoolique is suitable for all skin types, even the most delicate ones, and can be used in children from the age of three.

Moreover, 100 percent. profits from the sale of the Biphase Lipo alcoolique product will go to foundations and non-governmental organizations working to prevent epidemics.

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