Is a headache a sign that your blood pressure is too high? Knowing about the other symptoms of high blood pressure is important

High blood pressure is a dangerous and insidious disease. Most often it does not give very clear symptoms, which is why many people are unaware that they suffer from arterial hypertension and do not take treatment for years. However, it is worth bringing the subject closer and finding out what symptoms may signal this ailment. Does high blood pressure show as a headache?

Hypertension – what are the risk factors?

Hypertension is a very common condition, especially common in the elderly. However, age is not the only determinant of contributing to the development of the disease. Factors that increase the likelihood of danger are also obesity, lack of exercise and physical activity, improper diet rich in trans fats and simple sugars, frequent smoking and alcohol consumption, as well as other diseases, e.g. abnormal kidney function or hormonal disorders. Due to the above-mentioned reasons, arterial hypertension is also common among young people.

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Untreated high blood pressure can lead to many serious complications, including:

  1. greater risk of atherosclerosis,
  2. the risk of coronary heart disease,
  3. heart failure
  4. myocardial infarction,
  5. left ventricular hypertrophy
  6. kidney failure
  7. vision defects and damage,
  8. stroke,
  9. nervous system damage.

Rapid diagnosis and recognition of the problem can often prevent the development of the consequences of untreated arterial hypertension. One of the most common symptoms associated with the condition is intense headache. Does high blood pressure give you a headache every time?

Headache is not the only possible symptom of high blood pressure

Hypertension is a condition that can manifest itself in many ailments. The most frequently mentioned are chronic headaches that make it difficult to perform daily duties and take pleasure in engaging in even the most liked activities. It is worth emphasizing, however, that headache is not the only symptom that may indicate blood pressure above the norm. Depending on the patient and his individual case, the following may also appear:

  1. excessive sweating,
  2. depressed mood,
  3. decline in physical condition,
  4. shaking hands
  5. feeling of cold hands and feet,
  6. dizziness,
  7. sleep disturbances and insomnia,
  8. vision problems (so-called scotomas),
  9. palpitations.

The listed ailments cause a strong pressure of the blood on the walls of the arteries. Why is this disease insidious? Sometimes it does not cause any symptoms, which is why it is so important to perform preventive examinations and take care of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

  1. Also read: What to eat and drink if you have high blood pressure? These products will help lower them

Malignant hypertension is manifested by a very strong headache

The other, most advanced form of high blood pressure is malignant hypertension, where blood pressure suddenly rises critically. Its symptom is an unusually severe headache that cannot be dealt with by standard painkillers. Accompanying symptoms are nausea, chest tightness and pain, and shortness of breath. When experiencing such a condition, you should immediately seek help or call an emergency number, because a sudden state of hypertension may pose a direct threat to health and life.

How to deal with headache in hypertension?

Headache is a condition that everyone knows. It can have various causes, but if it is due to blood pressure problems, you should take care of the correct selection of medications. Some of the painkillers can be harmful instead of providing relief, so it is important to read the ingredients and the information on the package leaflet before taking a particular drug. It is also worth – undoubtedly – to seek medical advice and consult a method of treating pain.

The effects of drugs can be enhanced by deciding to make changes in your diet and diversify your diet with products that have anti-inflammatory properties. Recommended food items are, inter alia, berries, beets, flax seeds, celery, and green vegetables. It is worth enriching the menu with whole grains and avoiding wheat products, which may aggravate unpleasant ailments.

The development of arterial hypertension is actually a long and complex process that depends not only on environmental but also genetic factors that we have no influence on. Therefore, prevention is better than cure, i.e. the risk of hypertension in the future should be minimized. The Butcher’s broom dietary supplement will be helpful in this, which thanks to natural plant extracts has a positive effect on the circulatory system.

The scent of the essential oils helps relieve headaches. For relief, you can perform aromatherapy with lavender oil. Another way to improve circulation and prevent related headaches is to increase exercise, for example by walking every day.

When struggling with the headache resulting from high blood pressure, you should limit the consumption of coffee and drinks containing caffeine. This compound not only raises blood pressure, energizes us and reduces sleepiness. When taken in excess, it can also cause persistent headaches.

Don’t underestimate high blood pressure

Hypertension is sometimes called the silent killer. The disease can go unnoticed for years, without typical, specific symptoms. That is why we encourage and advise you – take regular blood pressure measurements (yourself, at the pharmacy, at the doctor’s), and consult your doctor for any doubts. It is worth checking yourself regularly and under medical care.

See also:

  1. Hypertension can cause a fatal heart attack
  2. Home remedies to reduce pressure
  3.  How to raise the pressure? Several proven ways

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