Irritation of the skin on the face

Human skin is a complex organ that protects the body from many damages, takes part in respiration, in the process of thermoregulation, in metabolic reactions, etc. The skin of the face is especially vulnerable to external influences, since it most often remains unprotected.

Improper care, age-related changes in the body, disruption of the sebaceous glands, exposure to the sun, wind, frost, hormonal disruptions, various diseases – all this can cause skin irritation on the face. There are many external and internal factors that affect the condition of the skin of the face. Focusing on the main reasons why irritation occurs, you can prevent the appearance of this problem or eliminate it in a timely and fast manner. After all, irritation on the skin is often not only a cosmetic defect, but also a sign of trouble in the body.

Causes of skin irritation on the face

The main causes of skin irritation on the face:

Allergic reactions

Irritation on the skin of the face often appears as a result of exposure to allergens. They can act both internally and externally.

The main types of allergens are:

  • Foods that a person eats (the most allergenic foods are considered to be: chocolate, bright red fruits and vegetables, seafood, nuts, eggs). Each person’s body is unique and what causes an allergy in one person may not cause any reaction in another.

  • Household chemicals: cleaning powders, detergents, washing powders, etc.

  • Cosmetics. It includes all kinds of creams, shower gels, powder, shadows, etc.

  • Metals. Especially often on the face there is irritation due to wearing inappropriate jewelry. An allergic reaction may occur after the piercing procedure.

  • Insect bites often cause allergic inflammation and lead to irritation. Sometimes insect bites can pose a direct threat to human life, especially if a lot of poison has entered the body.

  • Taking medications.

The process of inflammation on the face due to exposure to allergens can occur as a type of contact dermatitis when an irritant enters the skin. As a result, a person develops hyperemia of the skin, itching and peeling. The skin of the face is covered with bubbles.

Sometimes irritation on the face proceeds according to the type of urticaria. In this case, the reaction occurs instantly, after contact with the allergen. Irritation is expressed in the form of redness and itchy swelling of the skin. As a rule, it is easier to establish an allergen in this case.


Very often, skin irritation on the face occurs due to changing weather conditions. Low air temperatures, strong wind with rain and snow are capable of provoking inflammation and peeling. An additional irritating factor is the heating devices that work in the house during the cold season. They make the air dry, and this immediately affects the condition of the skin of the face.

Hormonal disruptions and skin irritation on the face

With age, many women experience increased dryness of the skin, which becomes prone to irritation and inflammation. If a woman is over forty, then most likely this process is associated with changes in hormonal status due to the onset of menopause. Hormonal changes affect the work of the sebaceous glands, slowing them down. As a result, even minor effects on the skin of the face lead to irritation.

Hormonal disruptions in the body can be caused by pregnancy and puberty. During childbearing, scaly red spots often appear on the face of women, and during puberty, the skin of adolescents becomes more prone to irritation, which manifests itself in the form of acne. It is known that the level of hormones can change in a teenager several times a day, if you add malnutrition and emotional stress to this factor, then skin irritation during puberty cannot be avoided.

The content of estrogen in the body, which has a direct effect on the condition of the skin, can change in diseases of the thyroid gland, inflammation of the ovaries, and pathologies of the adrenal glands. All problems in the body will necessarily affect the condition of the skin and, first of all, the condition of the skin of the face.

Diseases that cause irritation on the skin of the face

These diseases include:

  • Avitaminosis. A lack of vitamins always leads to the fact that the condition of the skin of the face worsens, areas of irritation, inflammation and peeling appear on the dermis. With beriberi, not a single nourishing cream is able to help, since the problem will come from within. It is the face that suffers first of all, although the appearance of areas of irritation on the palms, on the extensor surfaces of the elbows and knees is not excluded. The skin reacts especially sharply to a deficiency of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, B vitamins, vitamin E. The causes of beriberi can be hidden in poor nutrition, as well as in violation of the processes of assimilation of products, for example, in intestinal diseases.

  • Dysbacteriosis and intestinal diseases. Violation of the intestinal microflora, its inflammatory diseases, malfunctions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract – all this can affect the condition of the skin of the face. The lack of bacteria leads to the fact that the food is not able to fully digest. As a result, a person receives less vitamins and minerals, he develops beriberi, which leads to skin irritations.

  • Demodecosis. Irritation on the skin of the face can occur due to infection with an eyelash mite. Very often, he chooses eyelids, chin, nasolabial triangle, forehead and other parts of the face and head as his habitat. In the place where the tick begins to parasitize, an inflammatory reaction occurs, which is expressed in irritation, peeling of the skin, the appearance of edematous and hyperemic areas. Applying cosmetics to the affected areas only increases irritation and provokes itching.

  • Irritation of the skin of the face in lupus erythematosus. Lupus erythematosus is a serious autoimmune disease that manifests itself in the appearance of a red rash on the nose and cheeks. The rash merges and often resembles a butterfly in shape. In parallel, a person begins to hurt joints, there are disorders in the work of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.

  • Irritation of the skin of the face with burns. Irritation on the skin of the face may appear with a burn. It occurs after prolonged exposure to the sun, or after exposure to the dermis of chemicals. The skin turns red and begins to peel off. The degree of irritation directly depends on how strong the burn was.

  • Fungal lesions. Irritation on the skin of the face may occur due to its defeat by mycotic microorganisms. Most often, inflamed areas appear on the chin and neck. The surface of the skin begins to peel off, covered with tuberous nodules. If a bacterial infection joins, the pustules turn yellow.

Improper skin care and other irritating factors

Despite the fact that there are many diseases that lead to irritation on the skin of the face, most often the reason lies in improper care of the dermis.

Inflammation, peeling, redness, itching of the skin can occur for the following reasons:

  • Incorrect selection of cosmetics that do not match the type of human skin.

  • The use of alcohol lotions, tightening masks, alkaline soaps for facial skin care.

  • Washing with hard and highly chlorinated tap water.

  • Improper shaving of the face.

  • Use of aggressive peels, coarse brushes and washcloths, etc.

Other factors affecting the condition of the skin:

  • Unhealthy diet with the use of fatty, spicy and sweet foods negatively affects the condition of the skin of the face.

  • Non-compliance with the drinking regime.

  • Work in hot shops.

  • Living in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions.

  • The presence of bad habits (smoking, alcoholism).

  • Taking certain medications.

  • Cold dermatitis.

How to get rid of skin irritation on the face?

The process of getting rid of irritation on the face depends entirely on what caused the unwanted reaction:

Eliminate irritation caused by allergies

To eliminate the irritation caused by an allergic reaction, it is necessary to determine what exactly acts as an allergen. Then, as much as possible, any contact with an irritating substance is excluded. You can take antihistamines.

When you can’t cope with an allergic reaction on your own, you need to contact a dermatologist and an allergist. After conducting specific tests, most often it is possible to identify the allergen and eliminate it from your life as much as possible.

For the treatment of contact dermatitis, corticosteroid ointments can be used, but they are prescribed only by a doctor after diagnosis.

[Video] Euromed Clinic – Symptoms, causes and treatment of severe itchy skin in adults:

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