Irritation in the intimate area: how to remove acne? Video
After shaving, irritation often appears in intimate places, because there is very sensitive skin. However, it is still possible to make sure that acne does not appear after depilation. If your skin is irritated, it can be easily relieved too.
Intimate skin irritation: how to get rid of acne
The causes of acne in intimate places
If you are wondering what white pimples with light watery contents mean, you better see a dermatologist. It is quite possible that this is a mollusk. He may appear after swimming in a public pool.
In no case should you try to squeeze out a pimple until you know what it is. Do not delay the diagnosis. The thing is that such a mollusk matures under the skin and subsequently spreads to all adjacent areas. Further, there will be dozens of such small pimples, they will open, and new ones will appear instead. This will continue indefinitely until you take steps to treat this ailment.
Unaware of the disease, you can infect your loved ones. These acne can be treated in a variety of ways. This can be a surgical method, when pimples are opened, cauterizing them with special solutions. Acne is also removed with the help of various ointments and creams. You can also get rid of shellfish using liquid nitrogen and other means.
Noticing such pimples in intimate places, do not be alarmed ahead of time. Maybe it’s a simple skin irritation.
When the skin touches the blade, you remove not only the hair, but also the top layer of the skin. The tissue is damaged and there is little inflammation. So, if after shaving in the intimate area you get irritated, this may mean:
- or you are using the wrong razor,
- or your skin is too sensitive.
But in any case, you can not shave off your hair again until the red rashes and acne finally disappear. The presence of red acne in the intimate area is ugly, so they need to be removed.
You can find an alternative approach and try to fix the situation at home. Try switching to an electric shaver or depilatory cream. But if an ordinary razor is the only thing that you have at hand, you need to follow a few simple steps to avoid acne in your intimate area.
Choose a quality razor. Calm and prep your skin before shaving. You can also scrub your skin first to avoid irritation. Moisturize your skin well, so the blade will glide over it better, thereby less damage. And do not forget that you cannot use the aftershave, as it is tough, and your skin will get even more harm from it.
So, in order to get rid of acne in the intimate area, you need to do the following:
- find out the cause of the appearance of the rash;
- consult a doctor in case of infection;
- use special creams or ointments that remove acne;
- carefully prepare the skin before depilation.
Watch your body carefully, do not hesitate to contact a specialist, because we are talking about your health.
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