Irritation and anger: how to cope?
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There are situations that cause anger and irritation, but for most city dwellers, these feelings can appear for no apparent reason. Anger consumes a lot of mental energy, causes fatigue and discomfort. This definitely needs to be fought.
You need to do something about unpleasant emotions. First, try to understand the cause of the negativity. Maybe you are not satisfied with something at work, but in front of your boss you pretend that everything is in order? Or do you think that your loved one is not attentive enough to you, but are not sure that you can discuss it? Or maybe you are angry with yourself, believing that you have missed an opportunity?
Let off steam. Write down everything that annoys you on paper and think about how you can change the situation. Discuss your work conditions with your boss – you don’t get fired for being polite. Talk to a loved one, explain what hurts you. Make a list of things to do to be at peace with yourself again. Remember to remain calm and polite at every stage – this is the key to success. If you get angry, you have lost.
If you complain and do nothing, your world will not change. Take the first step towards change. Sign up for a sports club or yoga, start learning a foreign language or improve your professionalism. Action is the key to change. It is no coincidence that there is a proverb: “Water does not flow under a lying stone.”
Calm, only calm!
It is difficult to plan for a change for the better when your mind is set to be negative. Look at your friends and acquaintances: whoever tunes in for the best gets it. And vice versa, those who are accustomed to seeing the world in black are in for trouble literally at every step.
Perhaps the first step to change will be finding calm and relaxation. And sometimes this is only possible with the help of drugs. There is nothing wrong with sedatives if the medication is correct and you feel comfortable while taking the medication.
Anxiety medications work in different ways. For example, a tool such as
While taking Tenoten, you can do your usual daily activities: work, be creative, drive a car – the medicine does not slow down the reaction rate and allows you to remain active during the day. And this is a good solution for a workaholic who needs to calm down and collect his thoughts at all costs.
There are also situations when most of the methods for relieving nervous tension do not help, and then you can turn to a psychologist or psychotherapist. There is nothing wrong with that, referring to a psychologist does not mean that you are sick. A good psychologist will help you deal with your emotions, realize what prevents you from enjoying life, and find the right solution. The key word here is “help” – a good psychologist will never teach you how to live or tell you what to do in a particular situation. And rightly so – only you are able to find the best solution.
Dealing with irritability, stress and apathy sometimes lacks the resources of one person and may require help – other people or drugs. Do not refuse help, but do not forget that only you can understand your life and find the right solution.
The drug has contraindications, before use, you must read the instructions or consult a doctor.