An irritable person has no patience and shouts.
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Advises Alexander Rapoport
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Irritation is a dissatisfied state, when any little thing angers, causes a strong painful reaction, up to a scandal. Irritation is not a pleasant state and quite harmful. Due to irritation, any trifle turns into a conflict, irritation interferes with the understanding and feeling of others, reduces the clarity of thinking, the rationality of decisions and actions.
Irritation can be caused by a variety of reasons.
Directly, irritation is provoked by actions or communication, when something painful is constantly touched: sore points in the soul, sore topics in communication. Irritation often arises as anger at oneself when a person cannot come up with a solution to a situation or does not dare to do what is necessary.
For example, a girl is sitting in an office with a window behind her. Everyone felt stuffy, the window was opened. It’s October outside, the girl got cold. The body is uncomfortable, an urgent need to change the state. Three options are clearly visible — 1. Change location. 2. Put on a jacket. 3.Close the window. The girl does not dare to do any of these three points. And then, at first, irritation arises, then anger, and then the girl just “furious”. She leaves work cold and angry. And then he comes to a psychologist and says — «What should I do, the employees at work just enrage me.» There was a «psychological problem». And all that was needed was to make sure that it did not blow.
However, irritation sometimes occurs almost for no reason: for example, when you are tired or just have a bad day. Interestingly, irritation is a symptom of colds and other diseases: there seems to be no disease yet, but irritation is already signaling: it looks like you are getting sick.
Annoyance may not be a situational reaction, but a personality trait — irritability. Such irritation often occurs in people who are negative, constantly dissatisfied, self-centered, who do not know how and are not used to understanding people, putting themselves in their place. A common cause of irritation is general bad manners, when a person is not used to and does not know how to react to another person with restraint, understanding, correctly, considers it normal to either be silent or break loose. This is cured simply by teaching good manners and raising the general culture.
What to do in case of irritation?
Perhaps you just do not understand the interlocutor. It is always useful to put yourself in the place of another person, to understand his situation and his rightness. If you can’t do it yourself, ask other smart people to help you. If you are annoyed by communication with this person in itself, it is better to stop communication and go for a walk in the fresh air. If everyone and everything annoys you, check if you are healthy. At the very least, it’s good to get some sleep. It is very often useful to practice deep and slow breathing: it ventilates the brain and calms. Perhaps something makes you uncomfortable: it’s cold, you want to go to the toilet, you are afraid of something … If you deal with these reasons and remove the annoying factor, the irritation will go away.
A developed and educated person is not irritated. More precisely, you can indicate the levels of skill of a person who knows how to cope with his irritation:
- I know how to hide my irritability.
- I remove my irritation for no more than 3 minutes, as soon as it arises. Or, if people pointed out my irritation to me, then I admit my irritation and promptly correct it.
- I am practically enlightened, sometimes I annoy those around me with my even benevolence …
Good interlocutors!