Irritable bowel syndrome – psyche or soma?

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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a sign of our times. However, it is not a new disease, but is diagnosed more and more often. “Syndrome” refers to a group of symptoms that occur simultaneously and affect, in this case, the gastrointestinal tract, or more precisely, the intestines.

The first mention of this problem appeared in the medical literature at the beginning of the 30th century, but it undoubtedly concerned humans from time immemorial. Modern medicine, wide and almost unlimited access to it, high awareness of the need to perform routine medical examinations and consult a doctor even for minor ailments cause that irritable bowel syndrome is diagnosed in up to XNUMX% of adults. Where does this commonality come from and what exactly is IBS?

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

We all have problems with the digestive tract. The popular “indigestion” is usually the cause of a dietary error or food poisoning. They come and pass quickly, leaving behind unpleasant memories. Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic period of intestinal complaints. The characteristic symptoms include:

  1. stomach pain
  2. flatulence and the popular “gas”
  3. stool disorders
  4. the presence of mucus in the stool
  5. abdominal pain, usually starting in the left lower abdomen and disappearing at night
  6. is not observed weight loss

These symptoms are non-specific and, of course, cannot be the basis for a diagnosis of IBS, however, they should prompt you to visit a doctor who, after collecting an interview, will conduct an appropriate diagnosis.

The non-specific nature of the symptoms that can signal IBS can make it difficult for a physician to make a correct diagnosis. For this reason, uniform criteria have been established to facilitate diagnosis – they are referred to as the Roman classification of gastrointestinal disorders. For irritable bowel syndrome, the criteria are as follows:

  1. the duration of the symptoms at least 2 months
  2. number of stools> 4 / day or
  3. feeling incomplete or having a sudden need to have a bowel movement
  4. hard or loose stool
  5. the presence of mucus in the stool
  6. flatulence

Diagnostics for colorectal cancer

The above symptoms are only grounds for suspecting that the patient is dealing with IBS. A thorough medical diagnosis is necessary to exclude many other diseases, including the most dangerous of which is colorectal cancer. For this purpose, the doctor will perform a number of tests, such as: blood count, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, test for occult blood in the stool and conclusive examination, i.e. colonoscopy (endoscopic examination of the large intestine). Only after finding that there are no other causes of the ailments, the doctor has the right to diagnose irritable bowel syndrome.

The occurrence of symptoms such as the appearance of blood in the stool, sudden, inexplicable weight loss or pain that persists regardless of the time of day or night should mobilize both the patient and the doctor to act quickly as they may indicate colorectal cancer.

The causes of IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the many mysteries of medicine so far. Let’s be honest and let’s be honest – we don’t know the causes of this disease. One thing is for sure, it affects more women than men, and hyperactive and stressed people. The relationship between nervous hyperactivity and intestinal function has been known for a long time, which is why many researchers associate emotional disorders with IBS, which is sometimes called a functional bowel disorder, i.e. a disturbance of their work without a reason in their structure or physiology. It is not known, however, whether psychological determinants are the cause or a derivative of IBS. Many patients, due to the experienced intestinal ailments, develop an exaggerated fear for their health, which may additionally exacerbate the course of irritable bowel syndrome.

It is known that IBS patients may have an impaired pain tolerance in the intestine. Studies have shown that stimulating the rectum in people with IBS made it sore, while in healthy people there was no such reaction. Perhaps one of the causes of the syndrome – some people’s intestines may be too sensitive to stimuli, which causes a range of symptoms that are perceived as IBS.

Other causes of irritable bowel syndrome are also taken into account, such as certain foods (e.g. dairy products, chocolate, onions, beans, peas, cabbage) or disorders of the bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract. In fact, each patient should find out for himself whether and what foods aggravate the symptoms and avoid them.

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome

Due to the lack of knowledge about the causes of IBS, its treatment may be more or less effective and include both pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. It is best for the body to be treated by a gastroenterologist or an experienced internist. Pharmacological treatment includes the use of drugs that regulate intestinal peristalsis, antispasmodics, in the case of diarrhea, antidiarrheal drugs, anti-flatulence drugs, probiotics. Sometimes, if there is a psychological background, antidepressants or sedatives are used. It is also important to have an appropriate diet adjusted to whether constipation or diarrhea predominates in the course of IBS. Certainly, it is important to regulate the lifestyle and avoid situations that give rise to emotional tension.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic and incurable disease, but with proper therapy and following the doctor’s recommendations, many patients forget about symptoms that may disappear for a long time or even forever. However, there is absolutely no risk of health or life risk, as long as the diagnosis of IBS has been correctly made.

Text: Tomasz Gosiewski, MD, PhD

Diet for irritable bowel – see the photo gallery!

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