Aggressiveness, sudden tears, inability to concentrate: everyone is familiar with the states of “bare nerves.” And sometimes it “rolls” on us for no apparent reason. On the one hand, irritability is a natural phenomenon, but on the other hand, it is a signal calling for a more attentive attitude towards ourselves.
Is irritability a disease?
The feeling of irritation caused by the outside world is more a symptom than a disease. Everyone has periods of irritability from time to time. This condition is due to physical or psychological problems.
By the way, the psychological and physical states of a person are in the closest relationship, both at the level of manifestation of symptoms, and in terms of the reasons that cause them. Sometimes this “symbiosis” makes it difficult to diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment. We add that normally increased nervousness should rarely occur.
If you are constantly in a state of extreme annoyance, if this is negatively affecting your social or professional life, it is time to act!
Irritability as a result of prolonged stress
Let’s say you’re going through a period of anxiety and uncertainty. For example, you have an exam session. Then it is worth fighting with stress, with the very causes that caused anxiety. Try not to focus on possible failure, practice yoga, do some relaxation exercises, or meditate. Replace negative thoughts with life-affirming ones.
If you eat pizza three times a day, then the nervous system will definitely get upset.
But your irritation may have deeper roots. Perhaps it’s emotional burnout? In this case, more time should be devoted to careful and thoughtful introspection, reorganization of the routine and workload.
Watch yourself: if you are still ready to throw yourself at people and any little thing infuriates you, you must definitely get to the cause, the root of your condition. Perhaps this is a reason to seek help from a specialist.
Rethink your lifestyle
Are you striving for a healthy lifestyle? Are you eating right? If you eat pizza three times a day, then the nervous system will definitely get upset. Try to eat a varied diet, limiting yourself to lipids and avoiding excessive protein intake. Alcohol and caffeine won’t do you any good either.
The lack of oxygen caused by a sedentary lifestyle may well be the cause of an irritated condition. During the next attack, try to go outside and take a quick walk, while not forgetting to ventilate the room.
Remember the benefits of regular and sufficient sleep. So, fatigue caused by lack of sleep usually reduces the ability to concentrate.
Irritability and hormones
Hormonal fluctuations, characteristic of different periods of a woman’s life, are directly related to temporary anxiety. For example, during puberty, during menopause, or during the days of premenstrual syndrome, ladies are emotionally labile and can react irritably to others. This is how nature made women!
But the cause of some conditions can also be pathologies of hormonal origin. For example, a number of thyroid diseases. In especially serious cases, even surgical intervention is required. To understand the causes of internal discord, consult an endocrinologist.
Irritability as a result of psychological discomfort
Body and spirit are inextricably linked. This is an axiom. At the physiological level, irritation can be manifested by hypersensitivity of the skin or muscle spasms. Experiencing mental discomfort, you can easily lose your temper and ruin your relationship with someone.
As we have said, irritability has both physical and psychological causes. This is a normal reaction to stress, mourning, depression. But sometimes it is a manifestation of deeper disorders, such as bipolar.
How to deal with irritability?
This condition is equally unpleasant for the one who experiences it, and for others. It can have a detrimental effect on relationships with other people.
Do not despair or run to the doctor every time you lose your nerves
To avoid a deterioration in mutual understanding, say directly that you are not at ease. Most people will understand you, as periods of imbalance are familiar to almost everyone. To talk about your mental discomfort means to soften the unpleasant impression of your sharp remarks or outbursts of sudden aggression. In this case, the interlocutor will take your harsh words more calmly.
If you feel that you are about to boil, find an opportunity to move around. Go outside, walk at a very fast pace, shout.
Do I need to go to the doctor?
Do not give in to despair or run to the doctor every time you lose your nerves. As mentioned above, emotional instability is often caused not by serious illnesses, but by transient difficulties. Sometimes it’s hard to tell one from the other.
If emotional lability interferes with life and causes inconvenience, physical suffering (for example, headache, muscle cramps), then you should consult a specialist. It is also necessary to resort to the help of doctors or a psychologist if your condition affects your work or relationships with other people.
Medications for irritability
It goes without saying that it is best to do without drugs or limit yourself to the minimum intake of drugs. In any case, self-medication is not worth it: the doctor should prescribe the dosage and regimen for taking medications.
Let’s go back to the postulate: irritability is not a disease, but just a symptom. Some drugs have a mild sedative effect, others will make up for the lack of trace elements, such as magnesium or iron, and others improve sleep. Homeopathic remedies can be very effective. But, we recall once again, the appointment should be made by the doctor, and not by you.