Irregular periods – possible causes of irregular bleeding
Irregular periods - possible causes of irregular bleedingIrregular periods – possible causes of irregular bleeding

Irregular menstruation only in adolescence should not cause anxiety and stress related to possible health irregularities. However, if adult women have this problem, then it is worth taking a closer look at it. Sometimes the reasons for the occurrence of periods at uneven intervals are very prosaic and are associated with a stressful lifestyle, irregular sleeping times, improper nutrition, climate change. Normally, every woman will experience irregular cycles at some point – often this is nothing to worry about. However, if this lack of cyclicality and fixed deadlines happens frequently, then you cannot pass by the topic indifferently. What are the symptoms and possible causes of irregular menstrual bleeding?

Period Regularity – When Do Anomalies Happen?

Irregular menstruation it is usually the result of hormonal disorders – insufficient production of progesterone caused by excess prolactin or deficiency of the corpus luteum. Very often this problem affects women who are diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (production of sacs with fluid on the ovaries, so-called cysts). This irregularity is stabilized with hormones, although sometimes this condition requires surgery. Usually, the irregularity of the period takes the form of a period that is too short or too long, or the timing of its appearance is inconsistent (every two weeks). Bleeding that is too heavy or scanty is also a kind of anomaly.

Infrequent or short period – possible causes

Irregular menstrual cycles usually associated with hormonal disorders. Although often the causes can be much more serious and lead to the diagnosis of endometriosis, inflammation of the appendages, or even cancer of the reproductive tract. Specialized research is needed to determine what the underlying cause is menstrual irregularities.

Too rare a period is most often a sign of impaired functioning of the pituitary gland. This is usually associated with anovulation, which is why treatment is recommended especially when a woman wants a quick one getting pregnant. Menstruation is then observed with an interval of less than 31 days. Much more often the source of such irregularities is stress, strong emotions, so in such cases it is enough to provide yourself with relaxation and rest to regulate menstruation.

Another problem with menstruation disorders is excessive menstruation. This is when your period occurs every two weeks. Ovulation then occurs even on the eighth day of the cycle, because the time of maturation of the ovarian follicle is shortened. And in this case, you will need to seek the advice of a specialist who will decide what treatment should be undertaken.

A heavy, heavy period or scanty bleeding

Some women struggle with a very strong period during which they occur heavy bleeding. During puberty, such ailments result from the immaturity of the reproductive organs, at a later stage of development, it is most often associated with a disorder in the functioning of hormones, endometriosis, polyps, uterine fibroids, acquired infection. In order to properly diagnose this problem, hormonal tests should be carried out at different times of the cycle, and additionally an ultrasound of the reproductive organs.

Too little menstruation this, in turn, is a sign of either a woman’s physiological conditions or hormonal problems that may lead to a diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome, damage to the endometrium or be the result of a history of tuberculosis, mechanical trauma, acute inflammation of the organ. Each time, however, it is crucial to correctly diagnose the disease and select the appropriate treatment method. If the anomalies result only from abnormal hormonal balance, then most often it is enough to use appropriate medications regulating this work.


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