Irregular period – causes, treatment

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An irregular period should always be a reason to report for a check-up at the gynecologist. There are several reasons for menstrual irregularities, the most common being hormonal disorders. Other causes of cycle disorders are, for example, stress, improper diet, diseases of the reproductive system, cancer.

What does an irregular period mean? A normal menstrual cycle should last from 21 to a maximum of 35 days. Menstruation is irregular when the period is shorter than 21 days and longer than 35 days. Therefore, if the cycle length is different every month, you should visit a gynecologist. There can be many reasons why an irregular period occurs, an irregular menstruation is not only a different length of bleeding, but also a different abundance.

Irregular period – causes

Irregular periods are very common in women who have just started their periods. Hormones can lead to cycle disorders even up to the age of 17, so at this stage an irregular period should not be a symptom of a disease, but to be sure, it is worth signing up for a control visit with a specialist. An irregular period is also a symptom of the onset of menopause. During the menopause, the ovaries produce less and less estrogen with each subsequent cycle, the process of ovarian extinction may last up to several years. What are the other reasons why an irregular period appears and other accompanying symptoms:

  1. pancreatic diseases
  2. stress
  3. liver disease
  4. depression
  5. Polycystic ovary syndrome
  6. ovarian cancer
  7. disorders in the work of the immune system
  8. wrong diet
  9. abuse of alcohol and other stimulants
  10. uterine fibroids
  11. frequent climate changes
  12. abnormalities in the anatomy of the ovaries
  13. damage to the ovaries during surgery

Unfortunately, many women do not pay much attention to the fact that an irregular period occurs, explaining the situation with stress or an incorrect diet, this is a wrong operation, because an irregular period may also be the result of a more serious disease.

Read more: Menstruation calculator – fertile days, period symptoms

Irregular period – treatment

Any change in the menstrual cycle should be consulted with a specialist doctor. The basic tests that the gynecologist will perform include a complete interview with the patient, gynecological examination and ultrasound through the abdominal or transvaginal integuments. Research that will determine the level of hormones is also very important. It also happens that the preliminary examinations do not contribute to the diagnosis, in such a situation it may be necessary to have a uterine colonoscopy.

For irregular periods, you can use the Wormwood herb infusion, which you can buy at Medonet Market. We also recommend Hormonal Balance – a natural herbal mixture for her Lorem Vit, in which we find the flower of calendula, the herb of algae, ginger rhizome, yarrow herb, fruit of the Chaste plant

An irregular period is treated depending on the cause that causes it.

  1. in the case of hormonal changes, hormone treatment is used, for example in polycystic ovary syndrome
  2. in more difficult cases, for example in an ovarian tumor, surgery is required
  3. an irregular period may be the cause of mental disorders – depression, permanent stress, in such a situation cooperation should be undertaken between a gynecologist and a psychiatrist who will decide on the form of therapy
  4. the irregular period is also the effect of hyperthyroidism, in the case of severe disorders and accompanying other symptoms such as fatigue, drowsiness, nervousness, the doctor may order drugs that reduce the secretion of hormones
  5. an irregular period is also a symptom of disorders of the immune system, in this case, as in the case of mental disorders, cooperation between specialists is necessary.

Shatavari – the YANGO dietary supplement available on Medonet Market will help regulate the menstrual cycle. You can also find it in herbal teas, such as Pukka Womankind – tea for women, which is worth drinking not only in the case of unregulated menstruation, but also as a support for health and hormonal balance.

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