Iron vitriol: use in gardening, how to breed

Iron vitriol: use in gardening, how to breed

Iron sulfate is used in horticulture for processing plants. It protects against diseases and pests. It is in the form of green granules. Gardeners have appreciated this drug for its effectiveness and low cost.

Iron vitriol: methods of use in horticulture

Other names for the agent: ferrous sulfate or iron sulfate. In gardening, they are used to treat cuts and wounds on trees and bushes, when whitewashing trunks, fighting insects, lichens, mold, moss.

Iron sulfate and its use in horticulture for processing plants

It is used to protect plants from such diseases:

  • gray rot;
  • downy and true powdery mildew;
  • coccomycosis;
  • oidium grapes;
  • alternaria;
  • apple or pear scab;
  • anthracnose;
  • cluster soporiosis.

Trees and other plants are cultivated in the spring before bud break or in the fall. At this time, there is still no foliage or no longer. For leaves, the increased acidity of ferrous sulfate is dangerous – burns appear on them.

Another reason for spraying plants in spring or autumn is the occurrence of fungal diseases at this time. For prevention in such cases, the soil is also processed.

How to breed iron vitriol?

There is no single instruction for the dilution of the drug. For different crops and processing purposes, gardeners prepare a certain concentration.

How to dilute a remedy for treating plants from diseases and pests:

  • 1% solution – 100 g is stirred in 10 liters of water. In order to prevent and disinfect, for example, when whitewashing trunks, processing sections, cracks, wounds of plants. Also used in the spring after removing the cover from the grapes.
  • 3% solution – 300 g is added to 10 liters of water. In the fall, before the onset of frost, fruit and stone fruit crops are completely sprayed. These are cherry, sweet cherry, peach, apricot, plum. Also, the grapes are treated in front of the shelter.
  • 4% solution – 400 g is placed in 10 liters of water. Fruit and seed crops are processed. These are pears, apple trees, grapes. For them, you can also breed 5-6%.
  • 5% solution – 500 g is stirred in 10 liters of water. Autumn processing of tree bark from wintering insects.

Moss, rot, lichen of fruit and stone fruits are treated with 3% vitriol, fruit and pome fruits – 5%. The lack of iron, fertilizers in trees and bushes, which leads to chlorosis, is replenished with vitriol: 50 g is dissolved in 10 liters of water. They are processed for 4-5 days until green leaves begin to appear.

Iron sulfate will help solve many of the problems that gardeners face. Only when working with it, you should take precautions: wear gloves and avoid contact with the mucous membrane.

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