Iron – properties, sources, symptoms of iron excess and deficiency [EXPLAINED]

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Iron is a very valuable and one of the most important minerals in our body. Among other things, it is responsible for tissue regeneration and proper growth, supports the fight against free radicals and reduces fatigue. What other functions does iron perform? What products are rich in this valuable mineral? Why is iron so important for pregnant women?

Iron is a component of many proteins. It is a key element of hemoglobin, it is part of red blood cells and myoglobin, where it plays an important role in the transport of oxygen in muscle tissues. Iron is also found in the so-called active centers of enzymes, which include: peroxidase, catalase and cytochromes.

As blood flows through the lungs, the iron molecules in hemoglobin combine with oxygen molecules and are transported to individual organs throughout the body. The oxygen demand of muscles is supplemented by iron molecules in the form of myoglobin. Iron itself, on the other hand, is absorbed by the duodenum.

Iron contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system. It is a kind of protective shield against infections. Iron also supports the nervous system, where it is responsible for maintaining intellectual and physical functions. It also prevents premature skin aging. The key to iron is that it is absorbed in the form of food or supplements, as our body cannot produce it on its own. We recommend, for example, Vegan Health Daily Oral Spray for vegans and vegetarians, containing iron, iodine, vitamin D3 and vitamin B12.

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Meat products rich in iron – the main source in the diet

Iron supplied in the form of food is divided into two types: heme (animal origin) and non-heme (plant origin). The main source of iron in the diet is meat, which when supplied in this form is more easily absorbed and has a higher bioavailability than non-heme iron. In the body, ferritin is responsible for the storage of iron – proteins, the concentration of which informs about the level of this mineral in the body. The most iron-rich meat products include: poultry; pork liver and lean red meat.

So, do vegetarians need to worry that their lifestyle will lead to iron problems? The number of vegetarians is increasing. The reasons are different. Vegetarianism indirectly reduces greenhouse gas emissions. It helps to avoid obesity, diabetes, heart attack and colon cancer. Are iron-rich foods enough in the diet or is an additional supplementation of this nutrient necessary? Vegetarians in industrialized countries don’t have to worry about iron deficiencies. Experts even warn against unnecessary dietary supplements containing iron.

In vegetarianism, the variety of the diet is decisive. By avoiding meat, an important source of iron is lost. Plants contain a similar amount of iron as meat, but animal iron is easier to digest. It is assumed that the human body absorbs only about 5 percent. vegetable iron, while meat absorbs approx. 20 percent. iron. Plant iron, in the form of a trivalent ion, must be chemically processed before it can enter the bloodstream.

Recently, scientists have found another way to absorb iron from plants. During their experiments, a group of researchers from Elisabeth Theil’s team at the University of Oakland found a slow and complicated endogenous mechanism by which vegetable iron from o protein could enter the blood.

Unlike other mechanisms, the advantage of this pathway is the undisturbed absorption of ferritin. “So far, we’ve paid too little attention to phytoferritin,” says Elizabeth Theil. Scientists have calculated that 500-1000 g of sprouts are needed daily to cover the entire iron requirement using this mechanism. “Ferritin-rich plant foods such as lentils, soybeans or chickpeas are good sources of iron and could be a new option in your iron deficiency strategy,” added Theil.

In order for the diet to be as valuable as possible, it should be adjusted to the state of health. That is why it is worth performing regular checkups or in the event of disturbing symptoms – diagnostic tests.

If your body does not have enough iron, try Easy Iron Terranova Mild Iron – a supplement that also contains ingredients that facilitate the absorption of iron. We also recommend For vegans – supplementing the plant diet Panaseus – a supplement that is an ideal way to supplement vitamins and minerals, including iron and B vitamins.

  1. Check out more: Not only the liver. These foods have a lot of iron

Iron-rich plant foods

A lot of iron can be delivered from oatmeal, millet, peas, cruciferous vegetables, sauerkraut and sesame (you can order white and black sesame seeds by weight at Medonet Market). The group of plant products with the highest concentration of iron also includes nuts; broccoli; watercress; beetroot; Botwinka; pumpkin seeds; dates and dried fruit, including: apricots; raisins and plums. Blueberries are also rich in iron. If we do not have access to fresh fruit, we can easily eat it in the form of, for example, haskap jam.

Whole grain products, despite the high content of unfavorable phytates, are recommended for vegetarians – The iron content in whole grain cereals is almost three times higher than in white flour products. This means that even when half the iron is bound, more will still be available than in the case of white bread, explains Claus Leitzmann from the University of Gießen. Whether prior soaking of legumes reduces the phytate content while increasing the bioavailability of iron is still debatable.

While vegetarian children are generally well fed, they are nevertheless at risk. Especially in infancy, vegetarian mothers should be careful to feed their babies iron-rich foods. Iron-rich foods and vitamin C-rich foods such as peppers, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, orange or lemon juice should be a regular part of the diet. Three times a week, you should additionally turn on the egg yolk. Although babies are born with a fairly large reserve of iron, it is depleted after the age of six months, and mother’s milk does not contain a particularly large amount of iron.

  1. Find out more about: Vitamin C – importance in the body and the effects of deficiency

Iron and a vegetarian diet

In industrialized countries, however, vegetarians do not suffer from iron deficiency anemia more often than people who eat meat. Their endogenous iron stores are simply less full. – The amount of iron stored in vegetarians is within the norm and poses a risk only in the event of blood loss or increased demand, for example during pregnancy – says Cem Ekmekcioglu, a doctor at the University of Vienna.

There are enclosures that allow better absorption of iron from plants, e.g. an acidic environment that promotes the release of iron. A glass of orange juice containing vitamin C for vegetable lasagne increases the absorption of iron in the intestine many times over. However, some secondary plant substances such as urine (cereal bran, legumes) or polyphenols (tea, coffee) bind to the iron so that it is not resorbed in the intestine but is excreted. So a cup of espresso after a vegetarian dinner is not a very good idea. Dairy products also inhibit iron absorption.

If necessary, invest in proper supplementation. We recommend, for example, Iron Complex Viridian – the preparation is available in packages of 30 capsules.

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Iron deficiency – symptoms

Iron deficiency is a global problem. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), it affects almost one third of the world’s population, i.e. almost two billion people. An element deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency.

The first symptom of a lack of it is fatigue: cells need iron to produce energy. In addition, iron transports oxygen and is actively involved in detoxification reactions. In children, it is responsible for the maturation of the brain. It is even debated whether too little iron in the first year of a child’s life leads to ADHD in old age.

In addition to fatigue, symptoms such as difficulty concentrating; anxiety; sleep disturbance; dizziness; smoothing and atrophy of the papillae of the tongue, shortness of breath; dry skin; hair loss; brittle nails and cracking mouth corners. Significant iron deficiency may result in insufficiency of the circulatory valve apparatus and a compensatory acceleration of the heart rate.

Foods rich in iron are essential for life, so the body handles this substance extremely economically. If the body gets too little iron from food, its absorption increases in the intestines, and the body reaches the endogenous iron store, i.e. ferritin. It is difficult to diagnose iron deficiency caused by an inappropriate diet. Too little iron in the diet can lead to anemia, which in turn can also result from a deficiency of vitamin B12, folic acid or copper.

Iron is one of the 10 minerals that are included in the Puritan’s Pride dietary supplement recommended to support the functioning of the body.

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Iron demand – norms

Iron deficiency can be acquired mainly by pregnant women, breastfeeding women, women with heavy menstrual bleeding and children in the growing phase. Children should take 8 to 12 milligrams of iron daily, depending on their age, while premenopausal women should consume 15 milligrams, in postmenopausal women around 10 milligrams, and men should take 10 milligrams.

Lactating women should take 27 to 30 milligrams of magnesium per day. The actual body requirement is 1 to 3 milligrams. Although many children do not absorb these optimal amounts, this does not mean that they are actually deficient in iron.

In the case of women, the situation is slightly different. Epidemiological studies in industrialized countries show that from 1 to 14 percent. women of childbearing age have clinical iron deficiency. Almost 30% of pregnant women are affected by this problem. Peter Nielsen, a physician at the University Clinic of Hamburg, advises women of childbearing age on a vegetarian diet, pregnant women and children to have regular blood iron tests. Iron-rich foods introduced into the diet should improve the situation.

As women are more likely to lose iron than men, we recommend Living Multivitamin Woman Terranova for them – a supplement that provides not only iron but also other essential vitamins and minerals.

Check your body iron levels now by performing one of the testing packages available on Medonet Market, for example:

  1. Pre-consultation tests with a dietitian – home blood analysis,
  2. A package of preventive examinations – blood tests,

These tests are offered by the uPatient company, which makes it possible to collect a blood sample in one of over 500 institutions in the country or at the patient’s home.

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Iron intake in industrialized countries

In industrialized countries, the equal distribution of iron is also disputed. After all, iron is not only essential for life, it can also be toxic. The body is unable to excrete it, and free iron ions can destroy proteins, fats and genetic material. Almost every vitamin preparation contains iron. According to research, two-thirds of pregnant women consume too much iron. It is also added to baby foods, such as fruit juices, muesli bars or breakfast cereals. Consumer organizations warn against excessive iron intake.

The consequences can be fatal. The Iowa Women’s Health study found that iron pills shorten life expectancy in postmenopausal women. According to the German Risk Research Institute, if you constantly take too much iron, the risk of heart disease and cancer is increased.

Cem Ekmekcioglu warns: – Adults, and especially men who eat meat, should avoid such products with a wide berth. People suffering from haemochromatosis should also be careful. “Only people diagnosed with iron deficiency should take an extra dose of iron,” says Nielsen.

Haemochromatosis is a disease of the overabsorption of iron. To confirm or exclude it, it is worth buying Hemochromatosis – a genetic test for the most common mutations, which is available in the mail-order version on Medonet Market.

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Iron-rich products and less industrialized countries

The situation is worse in developing countries. In Guatemala and Cambodia, a large proportion of the population feeds on maize, black beans or rice. Important substances responsible for the absorption of iron, such as vitamin C, are missing, because fruit is simply too expensive, says Klaus Schümann, an expert at the Technical University of Munich. Four out of five children suffer from iron deficiency.

The reason for this is that, in addition to mother’s milk, children are given adult food as the first complementary diet. This WHO-recommended practice has a negative impact here, says Marieke Vossenaar of the University of Guatemala. Every second mother in poverty-stricken countries suffers from iron deficiency. Thus, women are unable to pass iron reserves to their babies. The results are dismal: the children are short in height, and they are not fully physically and mentally fit. This cannot be compensated for later in life with additional iron doses.

For this reason, the WHO long agitated for giving children iron tablets as early as possible – until 2006. Then the shocking results of the study on the island of Pemba were published, during which 30 children were given iron and folic acid tablets. However, children treated with the preparation suffered from malaria much more often and died more often than children in the control group.

New research shows that iron tablets are also harmful in infectious diseases such as typhus. It is suspected that pathogens also benefit from the extra dose of iron. The WHO has now discontinued all iron pill programs. The problem of iron deficiency in developing countries has therefore not been resolved.

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People struggling with iron deficiency can take it in the form of drugs and dietary supplements. Iron is available in pharmacies both with and without prescription (in case of anemia).

The price of iron varies from 4 to 50 zlotys, depending on the digestibility and number of tablets in the package. It is worth mentioning that iron can be absorbed in the form of syrups and tonics. On the Medonet Market platform you can buy preparations such as dietary supplements with iron gluconate 28 mg or Gentle Iron capsules 20 mg with iron diglycinate.

Iron-containing drugs can be single and combined preparations. Iron available on the pharmacological market exists in various forms: e.g. in the form of pyrophosphate, sulphate, fumarate or chelate. They are often combined with vitamin C and folic acid. Supplementation and dosing should be consulted with a doctor, because taking it on your own may lead to its excess.

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Taking iron dietary supplements should be tailored to your individual needs. Depending on the results of blood counts, the patient’s health condition and belonging to the group of increased risk of iron deficiency, supplementation of this mineral should be consulted with a doctor.

When choosing iron, consider such issues as: age, dose, method of intake and whether the iron is to supplement the diet or support the treatment of deficiency of this mineral.

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Excess iron in the diet is more dangerous than its deficiency. Too much iron intake with meals can lead to fatigue, weakness and a general feeling of being unwell.

Iron in excessive amounts is also associated with weight loss, leading to anemia in the future. Men in middle age are most exposed to excess iron, while in women too much iron can disturb menstruation.

Too much iron in the body can increase the risk of cancer and heart attack. When iron ions are combined with hydrogen peroxide, free radicals are formed that promote atherosclerosis and are responsible for damage to the cell membrane and nucleus. When buying iron, keep it away from children, because a few tablets can cause serious poisoning in them.

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