Iron lung, radioactive water – the seven most terrible medical procedures

The principle that progress requires sacrifice is most effective in medicine. Some historical surgical instruments or treatments carried out in the old days make our hair stand on the head. The patients drank poisonous radioactive water, had holes drilled in their heads or were subjected to electroshocking. We will tell you about the strangest and scariest medical practices.

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1/ 7 Iron lung, or breathing in a steel prison

2/ 7 Guardian of the royal anus or what to do with hemorrhoids

3/ 7 Morphine and heroin – how to silence cough and naughty kids

4/ 7 Electric shock does not cure impotence or alcoholism

5/ 7 Tonsil extractor. Guillotine inside the throat

6/ 7 A hole in the head, or how to chase away pain and evil spirits

7/ 7 Radioactive water, or a drug that destroys health

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