Iron (Fe) – when to test iron levels, deficiency, excess

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Iron is a component of porphyritic compounds, including hemoglobin and myoglobin, proteins that carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. Iron atoms are essential for the proper functioning of cellular enzymes. The concentration of iron in the blood depends on the supply of iron in the diet, its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, loss (via the gastrointestinal tract, in the urine and genital tract) and the distribution of iron in the body.

Iron (Fe)

Iron is a micronutrient that is important in the diagnosis of various diseases. As it is a micronutrient, it must be supplied to the body in small amounts every day for tissues and organs to function properly. In the gastrointestinal tract, iron is absorbed in the duodenum (only 10% of the supplied iron is absorbed). The amount of iron absorbed may change, e.g. in the course of states of increased demand. Heme iron, which can be found in products such as veal, is better absorbed. Non-heme iron is present in, among others, beetroot and parsley. The greatest amount of iron is found in the protein of red blood cells (hemoglobin), which allow oxygen to be taken from the lungs and donated to the tissues. In addition, iron creates myoglobin, thanks to which the muscles take oxygen from the blood that they need to work properly. The iron requirement depends on age (it decreases with age), gender (the concentration is slightly lower in women) and pregnancy.

The blood iron (Fe) test measures the amount of iron bound to transferrin. It allows you to diagnose, for example, congenital haemochromatosis.

If you are deficient in iron, use Easy Iron Terranova Mild Iron, which you can buy from Medonet Market.

When do we do the iron test?

The most common indications for an iron test are:

1. Differentiation of causes and types of anemia. Anemia is a condition where the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin fall below normal, for example due to insufficient supply of iron with food. The main symptoms of anemia: drowsiness, weakness, increased heart rate, brittle hair and nails, and seizures.

2. Suspicion of excessive iron deposition in the body as a result of excessive supply or transfusion of large amounts of blood products. Excessive iron build-up in the body causes symptoms such as: abdominal pain, joint pain, faster fatigue, and in extreme cases, damage to the heart muscle.

3. Suspicion of disturbances in iron distribution in the body.

Serum iron testing is usually performed together with other iron metabolism parameters – such as ferritin levels or TIBC (total iron binding capacity).

If you need more iron, try Iron Complex Viridian – a dietary supplement available on Medonet Market. Iron can also be found in the Vegan Health Daily Oral Spray supplement for vegans and vegetarians, which additionally contains vitamin B12, D3 and iodine, and thanks to the spray form, it is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream, bypassing the stomach.

The course of iron testing

Iron Test Material: serum.

Preparation for the test: wounded on an empty stomach (at least 8 hours). Inform your doctor about the medications you are taking and about current diseases, as some of them may distort the test result. If you are HIV, HCV or HBV carrier – inform the person responsible for the blood collection. Thanks to this, all security measures will be maintained.

The course of iron testing: one-time blood collection from a vein in the arm with a sterile needle. Blood is collected in a special test tube. After removing the needle, it is recommended that you apply pressure to the injection site for several minutes to prevent bleeding.

Time to wait for the result: 1 Day.

Standard: 12,5-26 µmol / l (70-150 µg / dl). Reference values ​​may slightly differ depending on the method used for the determination. For this reason, together with the result, the laboratory usually lists the correct range for them.

The concentration of iron in the blood depends on:

  1. storage in the intestine, bone marrow and spleen,
  2. absorption in the digestive tract,
  3. from the breakdown and synthesis of hemoglobin,
  4. loss of iron from the body.

Comments: The concentration of iron does not always reflect the amount of this ion in the body. Reduction of its concentration is also observed in the case of infections and in the course of neoplastic diseases – as a result of iron deposition in the tissues. If iron absorption disorders are suspected, it is necessary to perform an iron absorption test, i.e. to determine the concentration of Fe after oral administration of its preparation.

Under the recommended conditions of sample collection for testing, the iron level in blood should be in the range of 60–180 μg / ml, which is equivalent to 11–33 μmol / l. 70 µg / ml is sometimes taken as the lower limit of normal for men.

Iron deficiency in the blood

Iron deficiency most often indicates anemia (deficiency or chronic disease). Anemia can have various causes, the most common of which are:

  1. too little iron in consumed foods (incorrect diet) – therefore people who, for example, gave up eating meat, should additionally supplement iron; for such people we recommend the supplement For vegans – a supplement to the Panaseus plant diet,
  2. absorption disorders,
  3. chronic or prolonged bleeding (e.g. during menstruation or in regular donors; iron is lost along with hemoglobin contained in red blood cells),
  4. pregnancy characterized by an increased need for iron,
  5. period of intensive growth,
  6. tumor,
  7. vitamin C deficiency,
  8. kidney failure
  9. rheumatoid arthritis.

Iron deficiency can be supplemented with appropriate supplementation. Supplements from proven producers, such as a preparation with iron gluconate (28 mg) or Gentle Iron with iron bisglycinate (20 g), can be purchased at Medonet Market.

Increased amount of iron in the blood

High iron in the blood is a consequence of excessive iron absorption from the gastrointestinal tract (especially in patients with haemolytic anemia). A high concentration of this trace element may be associated with anemia such as:

  1. megaloblastic anemia,
  2. hemolytic anemia,
  3. aplastic anemia,
  4. sideroblastic anemia.

High iron in the blood is also observed in people after multiple blood transfusions, in certain genetic diseases (congenital haemochromatosis), myelodysplastic syndromes or in the course of acute hepatitis. A diet containing excessive amounts of this micronutrient is also of great importance. Its high levels in the blood can also be the result of intramuscular iron injections and lead poisoning. The accumulation of iron in the tissues causes a variety of disorders.

The test for haemochromatosis can be performed, which is currently available in a shipping version. Order Hemochromatosis – genetic testing of the most common mutations, collect a sample for testing yourself and send it by post or courier to the laboratory. The results will be available in 2-3 weeks.

Other factors that increase blood iron levels:

  1. alcohol,
  2. estrogens,
  3. birth control pills,
  4. methyldopa and chloramphenicol,

It should be remembered that the full diagnostic value is obtained with regard to the remaining parameters of the iron balance.

Iron (Fe) – read more about it

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