Iron deficiency. Diet, causes, symptoms.
Iron deficiency. Diet, causes, symptoms.Iron deficiency. Diet, causes, symptoms.

Iron is one of the most needed micronutrients for the body. Iron deficiencies can lead to the development of dangerous diseases, they are easily visible and easily recognizable. The demand for iron varies from person to person and depends on age, gender or the condition of the body itself.

Iron: important for the blood

  • Iron is found in our body primarily in hemoglobin and myoglobin. It also builds numerous enzymes, such as catalase.

Iron standards and demand

The iron requirement in men is about 1 mg per day. Women need a little more iron – up to 2 mg per day. What’s more, pregnant women should especially take care of iron supplementation, because their demand is about 3 mg per day.

Iron levels are checked by blood tests.

  • Curiosity: Basic data about your blood related to a blood test can be obtained from any Blood Donation Center after honorary blood donation.

The average iron value should be:

  • U kobiet: 18,5 μmol/l, 100 μg/dl
  • U concentration: 21,8 μmol/l, 120 μg/dl

Iron deficiency: symptoms

Iron deficiency causes a series of different types of symptoms that can contribute to the deterioration of the quality of life, but also to illness. Symptoms of iron deficiency include:

  1. Frequent shortness of breath, quick fatigue with little physical exertion;
  2. Negative effect on the heart and circulatory system. Dizziness and faster heartbeat;
  3. Feeling constantly tired, not only physically but also mentally;
  4. Anemia;
  5. Pale complexion, dark circles under the eyes;
  6. Unhealthy and tired appearance of the body and face;
  7. Dry and rough skin;
  8. Damaged hair and nails. Split ends, brittle hair with poor condition.
  9. Lowering the body’s immunity, frequent colds and diseases;
  10. Tendency to form bruises on the skin, nosebleeds.

Iron – the basis of our functioning

Iron is responsible for many functions in our body. It increases and takes care of the efficiency of muscles, thanks to it we can walk, run, not get tired. In addition, iron builds blood and ensures the proper efficiency and work of the heart. Our immunity and hormonal balance also depend on iron levels.

Children who do not have normal iron concentrations learn much worse than their peers, remember worse and do worse in school.

Anemia, which is the main disease that can manifest itself due to iron deficiency, affects women more often than men. Iron is lost from the body primarily through bleeding. Women are exposed to monthly bleeding, which means that the demand for this element in the woman’s body increases significantly.

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