You can transplant irises to another place at the beginning of the growing season or in summer. The event is necessary for a full-fledged vegetation, therefore it is included in the conditions of agricultural technology. Regardless of the variety, leaving a crop in one area for more than four years is unprofitable. Transplantation involves the division of the bush. This will help not only propagate, but also rejuvenate the plant.

Why you need to plant and transplant irises

How long will the iris be on the site, so much will it grow the root. In late autumn, the green mass dies off, all axillary replacement buds formed during the growing season enter the dormant phase until spring. At the beginning of the season, a root up to 15 cm long grows from each.

In one area, irises fully bloom for no more than four years, then they must be transplanted to another place. During this period, the root system grows so much that the links appear above the surface, a dense weave in the form of a lump remains in the soil, which absorbs most of the nutrients and prevents the development of new branches.

Irises: transplantation in summer, spring, rules for dividing and seating

In the center of the bush, the old rhizomes die off, a void is formed in the form of a nest – this is the first sign that the culture needs to be transplanted

The soil is depleted, the aerial part develops slowly, the iris lags behind in growth, budding becomes weak, then the plant stops blooming.

If irises are not planted on time to another site, they lose not only their decorative effect, but also their ability to resist infection. The bush begins to hurt, every year there are fewer leaves and peduncles, they are underdeveloped, the plant simply degenerates.

If it was not possible to transplant irises to another place in the spring, this event can be held at any stage of the growing season, except for the flowering period. The divided bush quickly takes root and begins to intensively build up the root and green mass.

Important! For irises, the most optimal method of reproduction is the division of an adult plant into parts that can be transplanted in almost any warm season.

When can I transplant irises to a new place

Irises can be transplanted to another place in spring or summer. At the beginning of the season, the timing dictates the weather, in the middle of the growing season – the duration of the flowering variety. The need to transplant a plant to another site is determined by the state of the above-ground mass and age. The best transplant time is three or four years of age of the iris. At this time, it grows so much that it is ready for division and quickly takes root in another place.

When to transplant irises in spring

Transplanting the plant in early spring is the best propagation option. A new bush can produce several stems and bloom if the event is carried out on time and correctly. It is better to transplant irises to another place when the leaves are just starting to form. In the southern climate, if weather conditions permit, it is desirable to be in time before the start of the growing season.

A frost-resistant plant starts growing in early spring, when the daytime temperature reaches +8 0C and up. At this time, the earth warmed up enough to transplant the crop. Taking into account the fact that each region has its own climate, they are guided by these parameters.

Irises: transplantation in summer, spring, rules for dividing and seating

When the first growth appears, you can get to work

Estimated time for transplanting iris in the Middle lane is the end of April, in the South – in March or early April. In Siberia or the Urals, you can transfer the plant to another place 7-10 days later than in the Central regions.

When to transplant irises in summer

Each variety of irises has its own flowering period, usually June-July. The duration of the cycle is also different, so it is difficult to determine a clear time frame. If in the spring irises begin to be transplanted as soon as the weather permits, then the summer dates can be oriented towards the end of flowering. As soon as the last petals on the flowers withered, they begin to transfer.

How to transplant irises

To determine the iris in another area, it is completely removed from the soil, the root is examined, if the fragments are in doubt, they are removed. Then they prepare the planting material:

  1. The root is completely freed from the earthy coma.
  2. Cut into pieces so that each section has 2-3 leaf sockets.
  3. Treat with any disinfectant solution.
  4. Sections are covered with crushed activated or charcoal.
  5. Leave in the sun to dry for 2 days.
Important! This measure is necessary for the best growth of iris, because after a stressful situation, all biological processes immediately turn on.
Irises: transplantation in summer, spring, rules for dividing and seating

Every plot must have a root.

How to properly plant irises

It is advisable to choose another place that is not very different from the previous one: sunny, closed from the wind and without stagnant groundwater. The area allotted for the plots is dug up, organic fertilizers are applied. A nutrient mixture is prepared from peat and soddy soil, potassium is added. The culture grows on neutral or slightly acidic soils, the composition is adjusted if necessary.

You can transplant irises in summer or spring to another place as follows:

  1. Cut the leaves and flower stalks at an angle (close to the root).

    Irises: transplantation in summer, spring, rules for dividing and seating

  2. Make a planting recess, taking into account the height of the root and the thickness of the nutrient mixture layer. Vegetation buds should remain at ground level.
  3. Part of the prepared substrate is poured onto the bottom of the pit.
  4. They put a seedling with a slight slope, distribute the root system, it should not be intertwined.
    Irises: transplantation in summer, spring, rules for dividing and seating

    Sprinkle with soil, leave the upper part of the root on the surface

  5. The soil around the iris is compacted, it is done carefully so as not to damage the buds, and watered.

If it turned out to transplant in the summer, immediately cover with mulch. In the spring, this event can not be held.


Transplanting a plant to another place is the first and not the most difficult stage of work. Without proper agricultural technology, iris may not bloom next year. The main task is for the bushes to take root faster.

Cultural care consists of the following activities:

  1. After planting in another place, the iris is watered abundantly. The procedure is carried out regularly to prevent the earthen coma from drying out, but also not to fill it so that there is water.
  2. After spring work, the plant is fed with nitrogen fertilizers so that it better forms the aerial part. A week after placement, phosphate agents are applied to another place to promote better root development.
  3. Periodically loosen the soil and remove weeds.
  4. If it was necessary to transplant irises in the spring, then in late autumn the leaves are cut off. In summer, iris pruning is carried out during the division of the bush.
Important! After the first frost, the root is insulated with peat or straw, and the mulch is removed in the spring.

In case of abnormal frosts, the young plant is covered with spruce branches, a small snowdrift is made on top.


You can transplant irises to another place in the spring, when the above-ground mass begins to form. It is necessary to carry out work as early as possible, then the plant will more easily endure stress and bloom at the right time. You can transplant the plant to another place in the summer, after flowering. Before frost, irises will take root and calmly overwinter.

Iris transplant step by step

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