Iris mesh: planting and care

Iridodictiums are bulbous perennial plants. These include reticulated iris. It blooms as soon as the snow melts and continues to delight the eye with bright buds for 2-3 weeks. But for this you need to properly care for him.

Spring iris is a miniature plant. The height of its peduncles does not exceed 15 cm. The buds are formed by 6 petals. 3 of them are bent to the sides and form the outer part of the flower, and 3 of the central petals are raised up. The diameter of the buds is from 5 to 8 cm. The shade of the petals depends on the variety and can be purple, light blue, deep blue. Iridodictium leaves continue to grow even after the flowers wilt. Their length sometimes reaches 40 cm. In June, the aboveground part of the plant dies off completely.

Iris mesh looks good in group plantings

Iris are usually planted in September or early October. If this is done in the spring, then the plant will bloom only after a year. In order for the iridodictium to grow strong and beautiful, it needs to provide the following conditions:

  • Lighting. For a flower bed, open, well-lit areas are chosen.
  • Humidity. Spring irises are planted in low elevations and in places where moisture does not stagnate. An excess of it is harmful to the bulbs: it can lead to the development of fungal diseases or cause rotting.
  • The soil. Iridodictiums are planted in sandy, light soil. The soil is pre-dug up and loosened. If the soil is highly acidic, then chalk, lime or ash can be added to it.

Only undamaged bulbs are used for planting. The planting material is placed in a solution of antifungal drugs or potassium permanganate, left in it for 40 minutes. Then the iris bulbs are dried and planted in the ground to a depth of no more than 10 cm.

If all the rules are followed, the bulbs have time to take root before the onset of the first frost.

Iridodictiums are unpretentious plants. Caring for them will not take long:

  • In spring, flowers need to be watered abundantly.
  • In summer, during the dormant period, it is better to cover the plant with oilcloth or other waterproof material.
  • In winter, to protect the bulbs from frost, they can be covered with a layer of peat or leaves.

In the spring, the land in which the irises are planted is loosened and fertilized. The bulbs of the plant can be dug up. This is done in the summer, after the leaves of the flower begin to turn yellow. Planting material is stored in a dry, ventilated area.

Correct planting of netted iris and caring for it not only at the time of flowering, but also during dormancy will allow the plant to bloom for several years in a row.

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