Iris bulbs: planting an iris bulb
Depending on the type, irises are propagated either by rhizomes or by bulbs. Representatives of the second method include 3 kinds of plants – Juno, Xyphyum and Iridodictium. Each of them has its own characteristics. Iris bulbs love sunny areas and fertile soil. With minimal attention and adherence to some rules, gorgeous flowers will grow from them.
Irises are not considered to be plants that require special care. They are unpretentious, but they have some preferences. If you create optimal conditions for them, you can achieve better flowering than it would be without care at all.
Iris bulbs should be planted at a suitable time.
Before you start planting, you need to choose a suitable place and prepare the soil:
- the site should not be wet, if groundwater flows nearby, you need to make a drainage system or a slope;
- flowers love fertile soil. The nutrients are especially needed after planting, when the plant begins to develop. It will be useful to apply organic and mineral fertilizers, along with which the soil must be dug up;
- irises like open, sunny places, although partial shade is also acceptable for them.
If irises have already been planted on the site, then the preparation of planting material begins in the summer, when the irises fade. This usually happens in June. After the greens have wilted, the bulbs are dug up and stored in a dry and warm place. The room temperature should be between 22 and 25 degrees.
The best time for this is autumn, namely the end of September or the beginning of October. By this time, the bulbs should already have a couple of buds at the top and a root system. We plant flowers in the prepared soil, fertilized with compost or humus, according to the following scheme:
- Make holes 7 cm deep. If the bulbs are large, like the Juno variety, you need to make the hole larger – 10 cm.
- Pour the soil in a hill in the center of the hole, put the onion on the top, and gently spread its roots along the slopes. Cover with earth so as not to damage them. The soil layer is at least 6 cm.
- The distance between the holes must be at least the size of the two bulbs.
- Water and mulch abundantly after planting.
When choosing the time for landing, you need to focus on the weather conditions in your region. In the south, it will most likely be mid-October, since it is necessary to plant before the onset of cold weather. If you do this ahead of time, the flower will start growing. In the northern regions, you need to have time to do this before mid-September.