
Irina Mlodik, a child psychologist and Gestalt therapist, describes her work with children of all ages.

Irina Mlodik, a child psychologist and Gestalt therapist, describes her work with children of all ages. Among her patients there are many children with developmental delays, with impaired memory, attention and behavior, autistic and difficult teenagers. The author shows how effective a combination of several methods can be in child therapy at once: gestalt, game and art therapy, and an existential approach. And therefore, first of all, Mlodik’s book will be useful to her colleagues starting to work with young patients. But her work will be no less valuable for parents. That gentle, respectful, interested, emotional and unbiased attitude of the author towards children, which we notice in the scattering of poignant stories that made up this book, can become an excellent school of communication, understanding and even self-development for adults raising a child.

Genesis, 192 p.

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