Irina Khakamada: “The Tao of Happiness is Positive Egoism”

Tao means “way” and it is endless. The faster you move towards the goal, the further the goal. How to achieve what you want, how to become successful at a time when it is difficult to make predictions? Politician and publicist Irina Khakamada spoke about this at the master class.

“What is Tao? This is the way. First of all, the path to yourself, because the goal is also within us, – Irina Khakamada begins the meeting. “Teach yourself to live in peace. Find balance, harmony in yourself. Today is an era of great chaos.

Every day something new happens that no one could have predicted yesterday. For example, no one could predict what is happening now with the economy, the European Union, oil, terrorist attacks.

That is why it is so important to be in harmony with yourself. This is the only way to be happy. I have collected and formulated for you the main principles of happiness and success. They helped me. They will help you too.”

1. Take action

Karma means “action” in Sanskrit. This is not fate at all, not something inevitable that will overtake us. This is what we get as a result of our actions. Our fate is literally in our hands. What we do is what we get.

God loves the active. For 13 years I ran upstairs towards my goal of becoming president. Did not work out. Didn’t hit. After 13 years of active life, when complete oblivion set in, I had a panic attack. The phone does not ring, everyone has forgotten you.

It is very useful to take a break, to be alone. This allows you to hear yourself. When you are at a crossroads and do not know what to do, listen to yourself, remember your dream or what you did well in childhood. For example, I decided: why not write a book, if there is nothing to do anyway.

Even if this is your first book in your life, as soon as you write the word “novel” on a blank slate, everything will come. Always do something. Life loves those who are always in action and who rely on themselves. And it will definitely give you new ideas, energy, intuition, and everything will come by itself.

After the book, they immediately called me and invited me to read the master class. I liked it, and I thought: why not do what I always wanted to do – change Russia, but not through politics, but through people?

The one who knows how to change life when he wants, knows how to take risks

Be the leader of your own life. You can learn how to manage a company, but it’s more important to be able to manage your life. In Russia, this is the main problem – we do not want to take responsibility for our lives.

Many say: the system is like this, the atmosphere, there is no hope. These are excuses. If a person has the internal energy of self-realization and is ready to fight for his life, then he changes the atmosphere around him.

There is no smell of the future in the air just because we ourselves do not believe in it. Anyone who knows how to change life when he wants, knows how to take risks, calculate risks, who, in the worst trouble, does not curse everyone around, but takes and does everything himself, he is doomed to success.

Playing your own game is scary, sometimes painful and difficult. But it’s a crazy experience. And this is a completely different energy. And energy today is the only source that is in demand and scarce in Russia.

2. Go for your big dream

I once learned to ride a motorcycle. And they told me the secret of how to keep balance and not fall. We must look not at the steering wheel, not at the road or the tree – we must look far, far ahead.

If you need to turn at low speed, then in order for the motorcycle not to fall to one side, the head must turn earlier and also look far ahead, then the motorcycle follows it and does not fall.

If you don’t know what you want (this happens too), ask your brain

This is the principle of Zen Buddhism – go after your big dream. That’s the only way to move forward. Behind the biggest dream, unrealizable, idiotic. Don’t tell anyone about her, but go. And only with peripheral vision “shoot” the situation.

And the gaze should be directed far ahead. You may have small intermediate goals, but something big should be shining in the distance – move there.

Despite the fact that I am a marginal woman, without the financial support of the oligarchs, I have succeeded in politics a lot. This happened only because there was an insane goal – to become president, to make Russia a European civilized country.

A big goal always gives tremendous energy and great intuition.

If you don’t know what you want, this also happens, ask your brain, set a task for it: what do you want? And in the morning he will give you an answer, or the answer will come by itself.

3. Do only what you like

Everything you do should be fun. We are imposed criteria for success, its external attributes: car, travel, husband/wife, bank account. These are not our criteria, they are artificial. If a person is individually happy, he has his own criteria for success.

For myself, I formulated three criteria.

1. Ask yourself: Do I enjoy what I do? Am I ready to sacrifice energy, comfort, money, time for this? If not ready, then I will abandon the project, no matter what profits, fame, bonuses it promises me. That’s why I went into politics – I liked it, that’s why I left there – there was no more energy, the work did not bring pleasure.

2. Quality of life. I need money for a normal life, to feel independent, to fulfill myself, to do what I like. It’s okay to live well. It makes no sense to take on something just for the sake of making money. It won’t bring results. Money by itself has never brought happiness to anyone.

It doesn’t take much to be happy. Today it is no longer fashionable to simply earn stupidly. All businessmen have become hedonists – they go to concerts, exhibitions, travel a lot, they get high from life. Because everything, and making money too, should work for you and for your buzz.

3. Wednesday. Always choose the environment in which you do your projects. People who do something in a place that they hate with all their heart and force themselves to go there every day will not succeed. I experienced all this – I worked as a minister for a year. In a year I killed myself in a way that I had not killed in five years.

Psychologically, the alien environment is very draining and exhausting. Working in a team that you don’t like or that doesn’t accept you is devastating. You won’t be able to do anything there. You must work for yours.

Don’t try to please everyone. Treasure only the opinion of those who are authority for you. Yours will still hear and understand you. Only their criticism is important.

People who hate you will always only notice mistakes, they will not notice constructive things, the level of aggression will only increase. You will waste a lot of energy.

positive selfishness

To be happy and successful, you need to love yourself. Love yourself more than your parents, husband or children. Love yourself so much that you won’t accept any compromises that can hurt your happiness, your peace of mind, your energy. It is a great responsibility to yourself to love yourself with such a grandiose love..

But as soon as you love yourself so much and start listening to yourself as a superorganism, a colossal intuition will wake up in you, your gaze will go into the distance, you will begin to generate the right energy, which is enough for your family, and for loved ones, and for children.

You will gather all the good things around you – the best ideas, the best people – everything will revolve around you. And you just fly. Like on a motorcycle – far ahead.

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