Irina Chadeeva “Miracle baking. Culinary Magic Lessons »

Perhaps this is the best children’s cookbook in Russian. There will be enough recipes for pastries, cakes and gingerbread cookies for the entire New Year holidays, and the introduction, which takes up almost half a book – theoretical and practical at the same time – is priceless for a novice housewife who undertook to bake a cake for the first time and does not yet understand either kitchen utensils, or flour varieties, or how the dough is placed

Perhaps this is the best children’s cookbook in Russian. There will be enough recipes for pastries, cakes and gingerbread cookies for the entire New Year holidays, and the introduction, which takes up almost half a book – theoretical and practical at the same time – is priceless for a novice housewife who undertook to bake a cake for the first time and does not yet understand either kitchen utensils, or flour varieties, or how the dough is placed. The author, a well-known culinary blogger chadeyka, is convinced that in order to remember something, you need to understand it and only then work on the technique. Therefore, explaining the action of baking powder or the properties of starch, she easily, simply and without boredom tells what laws of physics and chemistry are behind these kitchen miracles. Some of her explanations may even be a revelation to moms. In addition to useful content, there are wonderful illustrations (both drawings and step-by-step photos for recipes), large, clear type, and thick pages that are comfortable in the kitchen. You can start mastering recipes early – with your mother, or from 8-9 years old – already on your own. And of course, the book is addressed not only to girls. It’s not for nothing that they say that the best confectioners are men!


Daria Rybina

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