This phrase helps to prioritize and listen to what is happening in order to better understand its meaning.
“The whole statement sounds like this: “Lord, give me peace of mind — to accept what I cannot change; courage to change what I can, and wisdom to distinguish one from the other. As a person who takes full responsibility for what happens in my life, I tend to set goals and achieve them. It is clear that some of my intentions run into opposition, let’s say, circumstances. And every time, facing a choice: to accept everything as it is, or else to fight to resolve everything the way I see fit, I say this phrase to myself. And I listen to the inner answer. Something to resist. And you can say: okay, let everything be the way it went; I did everything that depended on me — now the course of the dear universe. You calm down internally, trying to understand why all this happened in your life. If you understand, the situation begins to change for the better; if you seem to be walking in circles, it means that life lessons have not yet reached you. This constant awareness of your relationship with the world, the limits of your capabilities is very useful.
* This quote is attributed to, among others, the German writer Friedrich Christoph Oetinger (1702–1782) and the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971).