Iridology – the rise of science, iridological research

Iridology is a branch of natural medicine that was born in China in the XNUMXnd century AD and to this day in Eastern medicine it is said that all human diseases can be read from human eyes.

Iridology – the rise of science

The first contemporary iridological research were carried out in the nineteenth century in London hospitals. Fashion on iridological research was brought to Great Britain from China, where iridology is one of the most valued fields of medicine. First iridological examination was to illuminate the eyes with a very large slit lamp, which made it possible to look closely at the iris of the human eye. Currently, such lamps are not used because they have a very negative effect on the condition of the eye.

Contemporary iridological research

Contemporary iridology deals with the analysis of the iris of the eye. According to her, it is the iris that reflects the health of a given person. The individual spots, dots and lines on the iris of the eye tell about what diseases we can suffer. Iridology it is treated as a source of information about the amount of toxins in the body of a given human being, what diseases he has been through, and what diseases he may develop in the future. Iridology focuses on the iris because the iris is divided into certain areas that correspond to specific internal and external organs. Already in the XNUMXnd century AD, the first ones were created in ancient China map iridological: separate for the right eye and separate for the left eye. Maps specifically and in detail show which parts of the body and organs are reflected in the iris, eyeball or pupil of the eye. Those places that are related to specific organs in irydologii, are called projection fields. This name was invented by the Chinese and is still used in natural medicine today.

Iridology – what does the eye say about the disease?

Iridologists doctors distinguish four types of irises that tell a lot about the health and physical condition of a person. The first type of iris is the so-called clear iris. Doesn’t contain any signs iridological stains, discoloration, and people with such a clean iris have much greater immunity, reach old age, and if they get sick (and they get sick rarely), their diseases are very mild. At the same time, Chinese medicine says that people with a pure iris are neurotic and have a high susceptibility to mental illness.

The second, most common type is the iris, which has tiny spots here and there. The owners of this type of eye are people who often get sick, and their immunity is not the lowest, but very often they suffer from various allergies, have problems with the respiratory system, suffer from arthritis or atherosclerosis.

The third type are irises with very indistinct boundaries, named by iridologists thin irises. Their shapes blur, they can be different, they can change under the influence of light, and diseases in such people usually last a long time. People who have the third type of iris often suffer from genetic diseases.

The fourth type of iris is an iris full of discoloration and spots. The iris appears to be all speckled with tiger speckles. This is a very rare type of iris. Most often it is owned by people who suffer from various types of chronic diseases.

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