Irezine herbst: home care
Irezine belongs to the amaranth family. This herb grows to about 70 cm in height and occurs naturally in more than 20 species. But at home, only two are grown, due to the fact that it is they who have a beautiful leaf color. The flowers of this plant are small and unremarkable.
Caring for irezine at home
Irezine herbsta has rounded dark purple leaves, in which lighter veins give brightness.
Irezine loves moisture, which is why it occurs naturally in the rain forests of Brazil.
Despite the fact that the plant does not require special care, you need to know some tricks so that the color of the leaves does not fade and it decorates the house with its appearance.
What you need to pay attention to when caring for irezin at home.
- Lighting. Ideal location on a windowsill on the east or west side. If there is too much light, the flower will burn, which will result in brown dry spots. But if there is little light, then the color of the leaves will become dull and expressionless.
- Temperature. The ideal temperature range is from +20 to +24 degrees.
- Watering. The water should be separated, at room temperature. You need to water either every day or every other day. Regular spraying is important. It will be useful not only to wipe the dust off the leaves, but also to periodically bathe the plant in the shower.
- Top dressing. It is necessary to apply fertilizers every 2 weeks – mineral and organic. You can use a ready-made mixture for decorative leafy plants. But in conditions of winter rest, that is, when the temperature regime for flowers decreases, feeding should be stopped.
- Pruning. It is trimmed for splendor. You can also pinch in February for more vigorous growth in the spring.
- Transfer. The flower does not require an annual transplant. You can only change the top layer of the soil. It is better to replant every 3 years. Place stones on the bottom of the pot, then add a mixture of equal amounts of sand, humus, sod and leafy soil.
- Reproduction. The plant propagates by cuttings. You need to carefully cut them off and put them in wet sand. After 2 weeks, they can be transplanted into the soil. It is better to perform this procedure from February to April.
If the plant is not watered for a long time, then the wilting process will be irreversible.
Problems with growing irezine
When growing a flower, you can encounter pests such as:
- aphid;
- spider mite;
- thrips;
- whitefly;
- mealybug.
To get rid of them, you need to treat the plant and the space around it with an insecticide. For shoots, a warm shower will not be superfluous.
This flower is not very whimsical to care for and looks good both in a pot, on a windowsill, and is a good decoration for a garden plot. For example, it can be planted along curbs or in a rabatka.